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Injecting emotion into campaign effectiveness

Is it possible to test whether branded content met its campaign objectives? See how the BBC combined the latest in emotion tracking tech with devilish psych methods to product a new research tool that is taking the advertising world by storm.

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Hamish McPharlin
September 23, 2018


Barry Callebaut strikes gold with the chocolate of the future

We demonstrate how we helped feed the innovation funnel of Barry Callebaut with product ideas that have a higher likelihood of success. We show the importance of working from a motivational and multi-sensory perspective in uncovering a completely new...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Karin Loobuyck, Ludovic Depoortere
September 23, 2018


Blindfolded, describing an elephant

There is little consensus on what the unconscious mind is, and how to measure it. This because the unconscious is not one thing but many. By understanding the full structure of unconscious mind, and using the right tools to measure each part of it,...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Leigh Caldwell
September 23, 2018


The future of market and social research is qualitative

This is the story of a collaboration of ESOMAR Foundation/Paragon Partnership, BBC Media, Big Sofa, and experienced qualitative researchers from all over the world, coming together to solve an important industry issue - the quality of qualitative...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Phyllis MacFarlane, Sonia Whitehead
Company: GfK
September 23, 2018


True ROI of influencers

In this research we focused on conversion which is the most immediate KPI: Does a sponsored vid edited by an influencer, engender more traffic (more impression) on the (sponsoring) brand website? Does it have an impact (immediate or not) on the...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Thomas Gruber, Bengül Robillard
Company: respondi
September 23, 2018


Your Honor, we have lost our edge

While the business reality shifted towards one characterised by acceleration, automation and abundance, market research seems to be holding on to the same principles and values as if nothing changed. Have we lost our edge and how can we get it back?

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Katia Pallini, Annelies Verhaeghe
September 23, 2018


Insight automation: Democracy, ethics and efficiency

This case study outlines the way insights automation has paved the way for the efficient democratization of insights, to create a strategic role for market research within the corporation.

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Jamie Rayner, Elizabeth P. Morgan
September 23, 2018


Transformation through immersion

Consumer learnings from this work have been integrated into new communications in local markets, they have supported changes in concepts, and the positioning of new projects. GSK now has a much stronger future pipeline for new generation innovation.

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Nick Leon, Mark Manning
September 23, 2018


The challenges facing insights and the road forward

In this session, Zappi shares the toughest challenges faced by insights professionals as well as a new vision for how they can adapt, growing to become world-class consumer insights organizations. Attendees will learn from Zappi's experiences,...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Author: Paul Albert
Company: ZappiStore
September 23, 2018