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Research papers

How has the Internet changed research?

Marshall McLuhan said the 'medium is the message', but in the early days of online research the common call was that the Internet was just another data collection medium and that it was not going to change research, it was simply improving things...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Author: Ray Poynter
September 17, 2006

Research papers

How to be a future shock absorber

This paper highlights the way a more strategic approach to marketing intelligence can dramatically improve ability to predict the future. The professional marketing intelligence team (both the client and agency side) need to apply critical market and...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Authors: John Marinopoulos, David Smith
September 17, 2006

Research papers

Renewing the original bonds

Market research has its roots in psychological theory and method, but there is a growing gap between psychological understanding and market research practice.Marketers today often rely on implicit or naïve explanations rather than formal theories...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Author: David G. Bakken
September 17, 2006

Research papers

Right here... right now...

This paper describes a framework for the use of mobile research, supported by case studies conducted in Japan for a global manufacturer of sporting goods. The approach illustrates how mobile phones provide marketers not only with a powerful survey...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Authors: Andrew Till, Steve Mele, Flavio Souza
September 17, 2006

Research papers

Stock market activity

This paper shows how methods traditionally used by market researchers have potential application to understand and predict stated future shareholder behavior in the stock market. The market researcher makes two distinct contributions to this new...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Authors: Howard R. Moskowitz, Alex Gofman, Samuel Rabino, Don Lowry
Company: Moskowitz Jacobs Inc.
September 17, 2006

Research papers

Electronic word-of-mouth

The Internet enables customers to obtain electronic Word-of-Mouth from other customers.This paper illustrates a qualitative research project to identify customer motives for reading other customers' online articulations from online consumer opinion...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Authors: Jamie Burton, Marwan Khammash, Katherine Allan
September 17, 2006

Research papers

Patent watching

This paper proposes the Systematic Innovation Methodology as an option to conventional consumer research and understanding methods.Not only does this methodology help translate insights into successful prototypes, but it is also a self-standing...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Author: Alexei Bogdanov
September 17, 2006

Research papers

Breaking down barriers

The research industry is still wedded to the old paradigms of research. These evolved to meet the needs of different business functions and reflect the business thinking that was dominant at the times they emerged. Business thinking has moved on but...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Author: Peter Hutton
September 17, 2006

Research papers

Brand engagement

This paper shows how research techniques were applied in an online environment to elicit deeper learning about brand and media engagement among teenagers. The paper focuses specifically on teens in China, Brazil, Mexico, and Russia and demonstrates...

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight
Author: Leyla Namiranian
Company: Decision Analyst, Inc.
September 17, 2006