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Research papers

As stimulating as black coffee

Recipients of research communications are often left confused and un-inspired. As a result, although research must be used to drive change within our clients, a lot of researchers' work is wasted. Researchers need radically different approaches to...

Catalogue: Congress 2011: Impact
Author: Lucy Davison
Company: Keen as Mustard Marketing
September 18, 2011

Research papers

DIY - New life or the death of research?

The use of online websites for 'do it yourself' research has created a lot of debate - even panic - in research media. In fact, there is no actual feedback from clients or agencies to help us understand the changes happening now and determine the...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Authors: Lucy Davison, Richard Thornton
Companies: Keen as Mustard Marketing, Cint AB
September 15, 2010