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Vision and Vlaues

Opening and welcome

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Finn Raben, Vanessa Oshima
Company: ESOMAR
October 25, 2021



The AGM allows members the opportunity to review the activities of ESOMAR from the previous year and gives ESOMAR, the opportunity to listen to your thoughts and suggestions for the future. All paid-up members can attend the AGM.

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Kristin Luck, Nikki Lavoie, Alain Mizrahi, Finn Raben, Marie-Agnès Mourot de Lathyle
Company: ESOMAR
August 4, 2021


Spotlight series: Launch of the 2021 Research Effectiveness Award

Time to revisit the Award Winners from 2020 while we open the call for proposals 2021! The ESOMAR Research Effectiveness Award showcases the very best in demonstrating how market or social research has had substantial commercial and/or societal...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Thomas Troch, Finn Raben, Greg Morris, Derick Davidson
April 28, 2021


ESOMAR UK members update & networking event

The session will consist of an informative update and "rapid-fire" review of current hot topics and a chance for some networking.Agenda:- ESOMAR Update - Joaquim Bretcha (ESOMAR President)- US International Update - Kristin Luck (ESOMAR Vice...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Joaquim Bretcha, Alexander Wheatley, Sinead Jefferies, Liz Norman, Jennifer Roberton, Anne-Sophie Damelincourt, Finn Raben, James Endersby
February 15, 2021


Insights' Privacy Day 2021 - Privacy in Asia: What you need to know in 2021

Tensions have risen sharply in the US recently over freedom of speech and privacy with the Twitter/WhatsApp/Facebook issues.How are we in Asia Pacific responding to the big privacy issues? Is our profession under threat?Are we coping with the privacy...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Finn Raben, Gillie Abbotts-Jones, Ravikumar Narayanan, Disha Bhatnagar, Andy Zhao
January 28, 2021


Opening ESOMAR APAC 2020 Insights Festival

Opening speech to the ESOMAR APAC 2020 Insights Festival from Sandeep Arora, MRSI President, and ESOMAR Representative for India. 

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Sandeep Arora, Finn Raben, Joaquim Bretcha
November 2, 2020



Opening ESOMAR TV: Asia Pacific At Home

Opening speech from Finn Raben, ESOMAR Director General, of the ESOMAR TV: Asia Pacific At Home and address to the community from Joaquim Bretcha, ESOMAR President.

Catalogue: ESOMAR TV: Asia Pacific at Home
Authors: Finn Raben, Joaquim Bretcha
April 16, 2020


Ceremony: Best Paper Award 2018/2019

Best Paper Award 2018/2019 Winners:Learning- Every damn day from Vanessa Oshima and The real story ends in Landfill from Crawford Hollingworth.

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Authors: Finn Raben, Joaquim Bretcha, Vanessa Oshima, Crawford Hollingworth
September 8, 2019