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Research papers

Evaluating advertising campaigns

Nestle is strongly concerned with making right decisions about budgets, media and advertising strategies, and, consequently, with monitoring its campaigns. Nestle has been tracking some parameters, generally supposed to be connected with the way...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Authors: Marc Vincent, José-Maria Riera Vidal
Company: Nestlé
June 15, 1981

Research papers

How British and American employees view their companies and their jobs

This paper examines American and British attitude data bases and compares American managers' and employees' attitudes to British managers' and employees' attitudes. Data for these comparisons are derived from: Hay Associates and ORC in the USA, and...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Authors: Michael R. Cooper, Robert M. Worcester
June 15, 1981

Research papers

Progress in advertising research

The present paper is a review of advertising research primarily using the language of brand advertising although the discussion has more general implications. The aim is to provide some brief statement of the state of the art followed by a critical...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Author: Tony Twyman
June 15, 1981

Research papers

Researching print communications

Although we may have entered the era of the microchip, the bulk of communications initiated by corporations and government departments are still print communications. Billions of such communications are issued every year. They are often not as...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Author: John M. Caffyn
June 15, 1981

Research papers

Using orthodox marketing research to guide communications strategies toward key public figures

This study was undertaken to gauge the efficacy of the methods of communication used by the German Information Center. The GIC, headquartered in Mew York City, is responsible for keeping key people in the U.S. apprised of events and developments in...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Author: Janet Schneider
June 15, 1981

Research papers

Research papers

Brain lateralization and individual differences in people's reaction to mass communication

The present paper discusses recent findings regarding brain lateralization and its implications for the study of consumer behaviour. This research suggests a new view of the way in which consumers react to different media and creative solutions. It...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Authors: Niels Erik Lundsgaard, Flemming Hansen
June 15, 1981

Research papers

Research in communications media based on an attitudinal survey in a major subsidiary of a world ranking European multi-national

The paper will trace a critical path commencing with the outcome of post employment interviews through a research programme where every employee was given the opportunity to participate in a survey covering communications, attitude to work,...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Author: Ray G. Howell
June 15, 1981

Research papers

Developing a corporate image for a university

This paper describes a research study conducted for a Canadian University to investigate the student choice process. The paper presents the methodology and the findings of this study and illustrates how such findings can be used to: 1) establish...

Catalogue: AMA/ESOMAR Conference 1981: From Advertising To Communication Research
Authors: John H. Church, David W. Gillingham
June 15, 1981