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Research papers

Transforming Lives, Transforming Times

Uncertainty has become a common denominator around the world over the last year. When we thought the only change ahead was the change of decade, something more drastic happened; we left the world we knew behind thanks to the emergence of the pandemic...

Catalogue: Trust and Transformation
Authors: Gerardo González, Alejandra Medina
Companies: Netquest, PSYMA GROUP AG
July 30, 2021

Research papers

Blinded technology

2020, a pivotal year that was set as a time-stamp on many business strategies and plans over the past years. So, how many companies have set up a 2020 strategy over the last decade? Have tried to envision how their business will look by then? Have...

Catalogue: Latin America 2020 - Insights Festival
Author: Tom De Ruyck
Company: InSites Consulting
October 19, 2020

Research papers

Harnessing powerful storytelling

Storytelling can conjure up magical imagery. In research, our challenge is bringing a method behind the magic. Sports can bring out the best in storytelling: drama is built-in; everyone can identify with the main characters. But not all storytelling...

Catalogue: Insights Festival 2020
Authors: Renata Policicio, Collin Leirvik
Companies: ESPN, LRWGreenberg
September 15, 2020

Research papers

eCommerce: A necessity without a market?

A high rate of Internet penetration does not itself ensure the development of eCommerce. All companies dealing with this issue must commit themselves to understanding the principles underlying any possible commercial strategy on Internet. This study...

Catalogue: Latin America 2001
Author: Alain Mizrahi
May 1, 2001

Research papers

Notre temps

The research project presented in this paper was articulated as follow: 1. Research for re-positioning (1980); 2. Following researches (up to 1987); 3. Other kinds of researches about non publishing products.The results of the programme were: 1....

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Publishing For Optimum Profit
Author: Anne Coudreau
November 25, 1987

Research papers


In the 1960's Tom and Audrey Eyton started a bi-monthly magazine, Slimming and Nutrition, working on their kitchen table at home. It cost them £2,000 to start: some years ago they sold it to a big publisher for £4,000,000. That’s...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Publishing For Optimum Profit
Author: Michael Bird
November 25, 1987

Research papers

The multinational pharmaceutical industry until 1990

This paper describes the research methodology used in a long range qualitative forecast of the future of the multinational pharmaceutical industry and same of the problems associated with qualitative international futures studies. The results of this...

Catalogue: Seminar 1979: The Changing Environment For Pharmaceutical Marketing
Author: Barrie James
February 1, 1979

Research papers

Marketing problems and business strategies in multi-country operations

Two sets of basic questions are typically faced by all manufacturing companies which want to sell their products abroad: 1a. to sell the same products that are sold on the domestic market also on the foreign markets without any particular adaptation,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Multi-Country Research
Author: Gabriele Morello
June 15, 1971