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Research papers

Recognizing the role of the consumer in pharmaceutical research

Greater access to information has allowed people to be more involved in their healthcare to the point where many health conditions can now be viewed as quasi-consumer markets. This creates a new landscape for marketers where customization is the key...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2001: Marketing Transformation
Authors: Sharon Spiers, Mark Blakely
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Methodical test to probe the usefulness of surveys bases on self administered and phone interviews to analyse the competition between local banks

This contribution describes a methodological test conducted by the Institut fur Demoskopie Allensbach in conjunction with Produkt+Markt, Gesellschaft fUr Marktforschung und Markefing-Planung mbH & Co. and commissioned by the Association of German...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1979: The Challenge Of Eighties
Authors: Herbert Geiger, Edgar Erben
June 15, 1979

Research papers

Methodical test to probe the usefulness of surveys bases on self administered and phone interviews to analyse the competition between local banks (German)

This contribution describes a methodological test conducted by the Institut fur Demoskopie Allensbach in conjunction with Produkt+Markt, Gesellschaft fUr Marktforschung und Markefing-Planung mbH & Co. and commissioned by the Association of German...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1979: The Challenge Of Eighties
Authors: Edgar Erben, Herbert Geiger
June 15, 1979

Research papers

Some advantages of self completed questionnaire in surveys on life styles or socio cultural trends

Studies on life styles or socio-cultural trends, which are generally based on questionnaires with 200 to 300 items or questions, usually involves the administering of self-completed questionnaires. This method not only has the advantage of being more...

Catalogue: Seminar 1977: Ways And New Ways Of Data Collection
Authors: Yves Rickebusch, Corinne Polycarpe
November 1, 1977

Research reports

Grecian 2000

On the basis of a self-completion questionnaire sent outto French and Flemish-speaking users of Grecian 2000, atotal of 457 questionnaires was returned. Out of this total, 5 were duplicates. This report, therefore, consists of an analysis...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 1, 1975

Research reports

Silver dollar inducement for previous non-returners of Grecian 2000 questionnaire

Out of 769 questionnaires sent out to Grecian 2000 usersin Project A only 327 were returned, even after areminder letter was sent out. As this represents aresponse rate of only 42.52%, some concern was expressed that ifnon-responders' attitudes had...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
November 18, 1974

Research reports

Report on Grecian 2000 self-completion questionnaire

This report contains the results of the computer analysisrun on all the returned Grecian 2000 self-completionquestionnaires which were sent out on the 9th April 1974. About this collection:Peter Cooper (1936-2010) was co-founder of Cooper...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 3, 1974

Research reports

Interim report on the Grecian 2000 self-completion questionnaire

This interim report contains the results of a hand-counton certain critical questions on the Grecian 2000Self-Completion Questionnaires which were sent outon the 9th April 1974. The data is based on allquestionnaires returned by Friday, 3rd May, a d...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
May 8, 1974

Research papers

The self-administered questionnaires with interviewer's assistance (French)

The self-administered questionnaire in which the interviewee fills-in himself the questionnaire with the interviewer's assistance, is one of the various methods of data-collection in sample-surveys. In order to situate the self-administered...

Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Fieldwork, Sampling And Questionnaire Design
Author: Hugues Jacquart
Company: IFOP
October 1, 1973