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Research papers

A comparative analysis of alternative segmentation methodologies

Using behavioral data, two alternative segmentation methodologies, regression and cluster analysis, were compared on the basis of rigor, reliability, parsimony, interpretability and strategic implications for retailers. Regression analysis is the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1989
Authors: Douglas J. Tigert, Stephen J. Arnold
September 1, 1989

Research papers

Pushing the hot buttons for a successful retailing strategy

The results of over 38 methodologically similar studies across retail sectors and across time are reviewed to identify determinant attributes which drive consumer store choice. Then several case studies are used to show how these results can and...

Catalogue: Paper 1982: Profitable Cooperation Of Manufactures And Retailers
Author: Douglas J. Tigert
June 15, 1982

Research papers

Impact of change on retail strategy, structure and performance

This paper focuses on the analysis of change across three distinct, but interrelated environments: i) consumer; ii) economic and iii) retailing. Past failures in retailing research have resulted from a lack of focus and direction and from attempts to...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Douglas J. Tigert
June 18, 1980

Research papers

The impact of change on retail strategy, structure and performance

This paper focuses on the analysis of change across three distinct, but interrelated environments: 1) consumer; 2) economic and 3) retailing. Past failures in retailing research have resulted from a lack of focus and direction and from attempts to...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Douglas J. Tigert
June 15, 1980

Research papers

The female fashion market in Toronto

The study reported here is the first in a series of reports on the market position of the major department stores and specialty chains in the women's fashion market. Unlike most previous studies, this report covers only one product class and all...

Catalogue: Seminar 1975: Product Range Policy In Retailing And Co-operation With Manufacturers
Author: Douglas J. Tigert
August 1, 1975

Research papers

Market monitoring through attitude research

The need to monitor market changes, competitive activities and own performance is satisfied with a measurement procedure based upon consumer attitudes. In addition to being simple and inexpensive to administer, the procedure demonstrates reliability,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1974: Management Information For Retail Organisations
Authors: Stephen J. Arnold, Douglas J. Tigert
April 1, 1974