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Reset and Reimagine

This paper represents a collaboration between Holland & Barrett, the UK?s leading health and wellness store; Prodege, a tech-enabled research and insights company; and Nexxt Intelligence | inca, a research technology provider specialising in...

Catalogue: Congress 2024
Authors: Heather O'Brien, Phil Sutcliffe, Ellie Ma
October 1, 2024


Decoding the Dark Web

The ?dark web? is now the starting point of many ideas and movements that aren?t comfortable existing in view of mainstream culture. It?s hidden and detached, challenging and closed, hostile and acutely uncomfortable; it?s not a source of insight...

Authors: Paul Labagnara, Katie Lucas
October 1, 2024


Tech-celebrating Insights

What's it about?Traditional approaches to research can encounter challenges: too slow, hard to integrate, not actionable enough, low data quality, lack of engagement from research participants, etc. But new advancements in ?restech? (research...

Catalogue: Webinars 2022
Authors: Stephen Kraus, Ray Poynter, Dan Fleetwood
Companies: MRII, QuestionPro
April 14, 2022


John Wanamaker... We now know which 50% of advertising is wasted

Famous for the quote "half my advertising is wasted, I just don't know which half”, John Wanamaker would be concerned that over 50% of online ads served are not seen by anyone. Many of the rest are not seen by their intended audience – and...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Author: Jackie Lorch
November 27, 2017


Feel more, click more

As more advertising spend migrates online, there’s a need to understand differences between online ads that drive short-term sales and those which drive long-term, profitable brand growth. This need is particularly acute as the industry faces...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Author: Jocelyn Simon
Company: System1 Research Ltd
October 26, 2017


Overview of fraud in online advertising

Online advertising is a multibillion dollar business with a growing pace of +/-15% per year, even during the economic crisis. This economic figures have motivated fraudsters to implement different mechanisms to obtain economic benefits out of not...

Catalogue: Seminar 2016: Media Return on Investment
Author: Ángel Cuevas Rumín
June 15, 2016

Research papers

Self-ethnography for user experience design

An evolved approach to capturing and understanding consumer behaviour that utilises mobile and online tools in one project stream is demonstrated in this presentation. a meta-cognitive approach to self-ethnography that involves training participants...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2012: Informing Strategic Decision Making And Action
Authors: Sharmila Subramanian, Katherine Gough
Company: Face
November 8, 2012

Research papers

Looking for Eric

A method to optimally define hub consumers in a social network is addressed in this presentation. These are the leaders that will enable a company to effectively address marketing campaigns on a social network and those who will provide online ways...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Luiz Sá Lucas, Ricardo Lopes, Leonardo Soares
Company: IBOPE Inteligencia
May 21, 2010

Research papers

Decoding the digital needs

New digital media streams have opened completely new lines of interaction between brands and consumers. It is widely considered that the softer and more emotional aspects of advertising campaigns can trigger a response that strengthens the success of...

Catalogue: Latin America 2010: The Innovation Journey
Authors: Trixie Cartwright, Ana Patricia Sequeira
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
May 21, 2010