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Research papers

Contextual actions speak louder than words

Context is everything! The impact of context on human behaviour has been widely demonstrated in numerous experiments, both academic and marketing related. People don’t always do what they say because they generally don’t have a clue what...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Jasper Scheir, Sjoerd Koornstra
October 1, 2015


Contextual actions speak louder than words

Context is everything! The impact of context on human behaviour has been widely demonstrated in numerous experiments, both academic and marketing related. People don’t always do what they say because they generally don’t have a clue what...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Sjoerd Koornstra, Jasper Scheir, Ludovic Depoortere
June 15, 2015

Research papers

How research can help build a successful CSR campaign

This presentation shows the case study of one of the most significant CSR campaigns in Poland regarding responsible drinking among young people. The campaign was initiated by the ?ywiec Group and was accompanied by a research project.In the first...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Dominika Maison, Jarosaw Herrmann
September 26, 2013

Research papers

How does your cappuccino feel?

This is a joint supplier/client case history which will discuss methodology and results, review the value of the research in terms of what it contributed to the Mane Flavour Company business and demonstrate how the data was used in contributing to...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Dominique Delfaud, John S. Pawle
Company: QRi Consulting Ltd.
September 26, 2013


Radler, a refreshing beer mix

Heineken’s research and marketing teams’ positions couldn’t have been more clear when having to defend a slowing beer market in Romania: explore and unveil business opportunities which could reverse a continuously slugged beer market.?...

Catalogue: CEE Research Forum 2014: East Connection
Authors: Panicos Christopoulos, Codruta Berbecaru
June 15, 2013


How does your cappuccino feel?

This is a joint supplier/client case history which will discuss methodology and results, review the value of the research in terms of what it contributed to the Mane Flavour Company business and demonstrate how the data was used in contributing to...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Dominique Delfaud, John S. Pawle
Company: QRi Consulting Ltd.
June 15, 2013


How research can help build a successful CSR campaign

This presentation shows the case study of one of the most significant CSR campaigns in Poland regarding responsible drinking among young people. The campaign was initiated by the Z?ywiec Group and was accompanied by a research project.In the first...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Dominika Maison, Jarosaw Herrmann
June 15, 2013


Driving a responsible behaviour. Illusion or reality?

Whilst illustrating cross-cultural medley this presentation is also an example of how the combined use of traditional and non-traditional research techniques allows for richer insight on a non-conventional topic: Responsible Drinking Messages (RDMs)...

Catalogue: CEE Research Forum 2014: East Connection
Author: Yvan Goupil
June 15, 2013

Research papers

Impact of 3D objects in mobile market research

Mobile technology was harnessed in this study to place the respondent in a real shopping environment to make choices of placing new virtual 3D beverage products in a real life environment in real time. The decisions and choices the users made were...

Catalogue: 3D Digital Dimensions 2012: (Online + Social Media + Mobile) Research
Author: Navin Williams
November 6, 2012