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Research papers

Understanding the online panellist

This paper analyses the motivation of why people belong to online panels and provides an understanding of the dynamics of the relationship and the implications this may have for our industry. A survey of a UK panel has shown four distinct motivation...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Author: Pete Comley
April 17, 2005

Research papers

The craftsmanship behind a quality panel

Today one can choose between several different software packages for management of web access panels. These software packages can be exellent tools, but building and maintaining a good panel is still a matter for craftsmanship. The quality of results...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Authors: Rune T. Eilertsen, Leif Henrik Husom
April 17, 2005

Research papers

Unique panel insights for a complex, fast-moving market

The papers describes a specialist business panel (itself a rarety) of exporters and other users of international freight, parcels and document transport services. It provides a series of DHL case studies demonstrating the value of a time series of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Authors: Michael Dent, Tom Smart
April 17, 2005

Research papers

Technology that puts research within an arm's reach of desire

Historically manufacturers have demanded that research suppliers should provide broader and deeper insight into the habits of the hypermarket shopper because this is the area over which they have traditionally been able to exercise the most...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Author: Craig Twyford
Company: Nielsen
April 17, 2005

Research papers

Questionnaire length and fatigue effects

Questionnaire length and fatigue effects are generally considered relevant factors influencing several aspects of online data collection including, but not limited to, drop out rates in surveys and data quality, however there has been little...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Authors: Andrea LaBruna, Sandra Rathod
April 17, 2005

Research papers

Researching the researchers

This paper examines usage and attitudes of market researchers worldwide to the Internet as a research methodology.Via a CAWI survey carried out in two waves, one in 2004 and one in 2005, market researchers themselves were interviewed about Online...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Authors: Katherine Allan, Nicolas Metzke
April 17, 2005

Research papers


Two major issues facing television audience research are the requirement to measure fragmented audiences accurately and the demand for measures of return on investment. This paper outlines a new development using set top box data. With the help of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Author: Julian Dobinson
April 17, 2005

Research papers

Use of multiple technology platforms in consumer panels

Today, the traditional pen and paper method of data collection in consumer panels faces many problems.The paper describes how to use technology to cope with these problems. New technology can be used in improving the quality of data, speeding up the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Author: Dinko Svetopetric
Company: GfK
April 17, 2005

Research papers

New ways of panel recruiting

This article reports on motivation in the process of online access panel recruitment and its impact on return rates, quantity of open answers and the time spent in answering the survey.The thesis is that motivation is a selection filter for the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Panel Research Conference 2005
Authors: Otto Hellwig, Stefan Vosskötter
April 17, 2005