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Research papers

The effect of conditioning when re-interviewing

A typology of panel conditioning effects and an empirical study examining the phenomenon are presented. The experiment on panel conditioning using a typical tracking study questionnaire shows that high frequency repeat interviews lead to a small...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Authors: Clive Nancarrow, Trixie Cartwright
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
October 8, 2006

Research papers

It's the culture, stupid!

A lot of research has been conducted regarding mode effects caused by social desirable response behavior and response style effects.New developments in market research have resulted in an increasing international usage of online panels. As a...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Authors: Bart Wichers, Evelien Zengerink
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
October 8, 2006

Research papers

Building online multi-cultural opinion communities

This paper addresses the differences between online panels and online opinion communities. Is an online opinion community the next level of an online research panel?

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Authors: Claudia Feler, Adriana Rocha
Company: eCGlobal Solutions
October 8, 2006

Research papers

Response rates

This paper argues that truly active and fully beneficial panel management can only be achieved by identifying and exploring the various factors affecting response rates.Not only is a pragmatic approach to response rates the cornerstone of successful...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Author: Andrei Postoaca
Company: Ipsos MRBI
October 8, 2006

Research papers

Benefits and challenges of multi-sourcing

Multi-sourcing, or using multiple sample providers to recruit respondents into a single survey, is becoming a necessity for large research agencies and panel companies alike.The paper discusses the results of a comparison study of nine US sample...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Author: Olivier de Gaudemar
October 8, 2006

Research papers

Great results from ambiguous sources

Rapidly increasing reliance on Internet panels as a sample source has led to data quality problems. Validation and data cleaning procedures common from telephone and in-person interviewing have not kept pace with these new methods.This paper details...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Authors: Reg Baker, Theo Downes-Le Guin, Joanne Mechling
October 8, 2006

Research papers

The games we play

Using a key theory of psychoanalysis (Transactional Analysis), this paper analyses the way we run our online panels. It points out that a lot of the problems we are experiencing (declining response rates, professional respondents, etc.) are...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Author: Pete Comley
October 8, 2006

Research papers

Ensuring data integrity for business decisions

While online panels can reduce the cost and time it takes to undertake research, there is often little understanding of how the quality of the panel affects data integrity and importantly the ability to make reliable business decisions based on the...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Authors: Birgi Martin, Jenny Koo, David Day, Ralph Risk
Company: Kantar
October 8, 2006

Research papers

Gaining synergy through multi-method research

This paper analyzes the combination of online panel surveys and face to face (using mobile devices) fieldwork methodologies. The Nokia Trends Study and a concurrent Online Panel Survey study were utilized as a base to perform parallel testing. This...

Catalogue: Panel Research 2006
Authors: Ivan Casas, Gonzalo Peña, Calixto Perez-Galan
October 8, 2006