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Research papers

Some applications of operational research to the problem of advertising

Management decision in the field of advertising is typically concerned with problems such as the size of the advertising budget, how the outlay should he distributed over time and within regions, what type of messages should be used and what media...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: David Lowe-Watson
June 15, 1964

Research papers

The activities of the International Marketing Federation

The support ESOMAR could give to the I.M.F. is considerable. In fact ESOMAR is the European platform where the best specialists meet, those who want to discuss their ideas with their foreign colleagues and who want to share them with them. The I.M.F....

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: Yves Fournis
June 15, 1964

Research papers

Analysis and evaluation of channels of distribution in consumer goods industries

Marketing of consumer goods has undergone important changes in most European countries in the past ten years and this evolution has not yet come to an end. New selling methods and new types of business firms in retailing and wholesaling, ever...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: F. R. Böhne
June 15, 1964

Research papers

The president's preface (English-French-German)

The role of ESOMAR, therefore, is to be the focal point of pioneers, those who have the faith and the enthusiasm to examine thoroughly their method a within a group of individuals who are ardent propagandist of market research in those national...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: Yves Fournis
June 15, 1964

Research papers

The activities of the International Marketing Federation (French)

The support ESOMAR could give to the I.M.F. is considerable. In fact ESOMAR is the European platform where the best specialists meet, those who want to discuss their ideas with their foreign colleagues and who want to share them with them. The I.M.F....

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: Yves Fournis
June 15, 1964

Research papers

Industrial marketing research in Europe

Marketing research is perhaps 50 years old. But almost all the pre-war surveys were concerned with domestic consumers and not with industrial customers. Although there is little doubt that some research inquiries into industrial markets were...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: Aubrey Wilson
June 15, 1964

Research papers

The president's preface (English-French-German)

The role of ESOMAR, therefore, is to be the focal point of pioneers, those who have the faith and the enthusiasm to examine thoroughly their method a within a group of individuals who are ardent propagandist of market research in those national...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: Yves Fournis
June 15, 1964

Research papers

The years's work

Report of the years' work for the years 1963-1964.

Catalogue: ESOMAR Yearbook 1963-1964
Author: Jan van Rees
June 15, 1964