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Research papers

Find & accelerate revenue growth for brands

The Consumer Decision Journey is one of the most researched areas in the marketing community. However, it's still a challenge for many companies to transform insights obtained through this model into actions that deliver revenues. To truly leverage...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Authors: Yee Mei Chan, Herman Sanchez, Kimberley Hiu
Company: Kantar
May 13, 2018

Research papers

Research to the rescue

Demand for ivory in China has risen dramatically in recent years due to rising affluence and travel. Ivory is traditionally being regarded as precious and prestigious. Our challenge is to make it socially undesirable and change consumer perceptions.

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Authors: Chenyang Li, Wander Meijer
Company: GlobeScan Incorporated
May 13, 2018

Research papers


This paper is about an innovative application of NUDGE, designed to minimise the disruption caused to consumers and thereby significantly improve chances of brand relaunch success. As a core concept, NUDGE is about creating a context of choice for...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Author: Ramanathan Vythilingam
Company: Unilever
May 13, 2018

Research papers

Data integration and the future of market research

While the use of automation for text and data analysis, charting, or sampling continues to grow, not everyone is convinced. We will explore how market research needs to create situations where automation leads to a change in the way research is done....

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Author: Elizabeth May
Company: Research Now SSI
May 13, 2018

Research papers

Pricing of enormous number of features- Not a problem anymore!

The automotive market in India has become crowded over the years. Global giants have raised the bar. Indian brands are under pressure to offer better technology and feature-rich vehicles to match global standards. The business challenge was to...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Authors: Surbhi Minocha, Vasudha Kumar
Company: Kantar
May 13, 2018

Research papers

The social (network) choice

We have long known that to succeed in social media as an influencer of tastes and opinions, it is important to not only have a strong and differentiated personal brand; influencers today must also consistently share content that connect deeply with...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Author: Nastasha Francesca Kai Jimenez
May 13, 2018

Research papers

In pursuit of happiness

The socially-responsible Fabindia is significantly investing in creating a unique 'Data Management Platform' & 'Customer Information & Insights Management System (CIIMS) that will result in a never-before 'Single Customer View'. Our belief is that a...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Authors: Karan Kumar, Surabhi Talwar Sekhar
May 13, 2018

Research papers

Supplier-client collaboration make MR better place

Whit this paper the author intends to introduce the initiatives of MR 2.0 (Marketing Research 2.0), the voluntary group of professionals, to illustrate a case of collaboration between suppliers and clients, hoping to inspire similar initiatives in...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Author: Naoki Takahashi
Company: Nissan Motor Co.
May 13, 2018

Research papers

The future is voice

Digital Anthropology is at the heart of our paper. We started by understanding the human relationship with voice technology. We then use the insights from Digital Anthropology to enhance brand love. Here, we provide suggestions on how brands can...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2018: Data Research Insights Vision Excellence
Authors: Arpapat Boonrod, Prachawan Ketavan
Company: Kantar
May 13, 2018