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Research papers

Digital characters

As part of the &'Me-to-We' research movement launched at Congress 2009, this paper will focus in on 'Mass Ethnography' or 'NetNography' and reveal how a revolutionary new approach can distil and bring to life the mass of readily available data on...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Authors: John Kearon, Peter Harrison
Company: BrainJuicer
September 15, 2010

Research papers

License to peek?

Privacy and data protection are assessed from a historical perspective through to the present in this paper. The authors address observable trends, developments and novel platforms that starkly present the opportunities and challenges we encounter in...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Authors: George Pappachen, Richard Coombe
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 15, 2010

Research papers

The future of brand tracking must be leaner and more focused

This paper describes a radical new approach to tracking research. As an industry, we need a paradigm shift and a change in expectations of the client in particular. This approach entails: shorter, more focused questionnaires (part of a fully modular...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: Adhil Patel
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 15, 2010

Research papers

Riding the value shift in market research

What is the biggest threat to the future of market research? This paper argues that deep, permanent changes in the competitive dynamics of market research are behind its growing commoditization and that of other trends like 'DIY' research. The...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: David G. Bakken
September 15, 2010

Research papers

From clipboards to online research communities

Online panels are replacing telephone and face-to-face data collection; increasingly MROCs are replacing more established methods of talking to consumers. What do respondents think about these changes? Are there differences between countries? This...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Authors: Jackie Lorch, Steve Cierpicki, Bill Zuo, Cam Davis, Ray Poynter, Keith Phillips, Sue York
Companies: Colmar Brunton, Nielsen, Research Now SSI
September 15, 2010

Research papers

How social media is democratizing research

With over 25,000 firms and 3,000,000 professionals engaged in market research worldwide - in a world where Encyclopedia Britannica has been largely eclipsed by Wikipedia: how do we stay afloat? This paper will demonstrate how technology and society...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: Sean Case
September 15, 2010

Research papers

Looking for the fire not the smoke

Maybe the biggest 'buzz' in marketing currently is buzz itself. While advances in social media have made it the hot topic, why do some marketing ideas ignite and spread whilst others fizzle out? Contagious ideas stand out because they produce a...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: David Penn
Company: Conquest
September 15, 2010

Research papers

The collective brain

This paper defines the concept of 'the collective' and through a case study, illustrates the leading companies that are implementing it, highlights the implications to research firms and offers strategies for competing in this new landscape. The...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: Rex Briggs
September 15, 2010

Research papers

The myth of segmentation

Segmentation can be a very powerful tool for aiming marketing to special groups. But is it always the right thing to do? What are its limitations? What is its future? What, if anything, lies beyond segmentation? The aim of this paper is to challenge...

Catalogue: Congress 2010: The Changing Face Of Market Research
Author: Jochum Stienstra
Company: Ferro Explore!
September 15, 2010