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Research papers

Erotic Capital as a platform for innovation and communication

Emma Watson has it but it's rather easier at 27. Madonna still has it at 58. Erotic capital is a personal asset everyone uses to achieve given goals. So why not to build a platform based on this asset to innovate and communicate with your female...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Cinzia Paterlini, Elena Bucci
November 22, 2017

Research papers

Generate insights on how to communicate a brand new product benefit in a consumer intuitive way

Communicating new product benefits in a consumer intuitive way is a big challenge for most CPG categories. The insight generation process mostly involves complicated methodologies that make it very hard to keep consumer engagement high....

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Dogus Sipahioglu, Daniela Chiaravalle
November 22, 2017

Research papers

Bias: Three fingers pointing back!

This paper is a call to action to think about bias in a different way - by going back to basics. It is an outline about how to develop greater empathy from the beginning of a project to the end. Far from a touchy-feely or soft” ...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Author: Katja E. Cahoon
November 10, 2017

Research papers

Helping introverts open up

This paper is divided into two parts; the first part (after defining the variables) explores the impact of introversion and extroversion on perceptions of self and life for the mentioned personalities; how they differ in their ways of looking at...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Arfa Syed, Tooba Kamil
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 10, 2017

Research papers

Vegetables that rock

The presentation will demonstrate from a client perspective how the shift from product to user-centricity brought about a powerful impact both on a strategic as well as human resources level. BFS, well- established company offering processed...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Jeanne Carré, Emmanuelle Cousy
November 7, 2017

Research papers

Research papers

(Wo)man VS. machine: From competition to collaboration

It is no secret that the market research industry is under pressure to deliver sound and strategic insights within shrinking budgets and timeframes. Ten years from now efficiency is predicted to be the number one deciding factor when commissioning...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Author: Samantha Bond
Company: SKIM
November 3, 2017

Research papers

Beyond the hype

This paper argues that virtual reality technology (henceforth VR), far from being a mere flash-in-the-pan, represents a new story telling logic that has deep implications for the way in which qualitative research is conducted. In short, VR presents...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Jim Mott, Peter Thomas
Company: BAMM Ltd.
November 3, 2017

Research papers


This is a story of how dreaming big is helping connect Diageo to the lives and rituals of consumers across five African markets. Demonstrating how an innovative mobile qualitative approach is helping Diageo's African research and innovation teams...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Paul Robert Thomas, Gavin Holt
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
November 3, 2017