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Research papers

Unlocking Channel Insights via Open Data

On-premise channels (establishments such as restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs and nightclubs which are licensed to serve alcohol) insights are currently hard to access or purchase. Typically, this data is only available at an aggregated level with...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Authors: Luc Koppens, Ashvinder Brar, Terence Tan, Andrea Chong
Companies: Sythesis, Brown-Forman
November 22, 2023

Research papers

Giving control of your history to participants

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; min-height: 14.0px}Facts are nothing without stories. Instead of a traditional qualitative campaign pre-test...

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Authors: Ángeles Rodríguez, Daniel Cárdenas, Elisa Romo
Companies: De La Riva Group, AB InBev
September 8, 2019

Research papers

Beer: The perfect fit with your meal instead of wine! Dream or reality?

When beer beats wine in the restaurant! The quest fora perfect beer and food combination by using big data, algorithms and contextual consumer product testing (VR). In this paper we will therefore first introduce the concept of beer-food pairing...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Louise den Uijl, Marion Emorine, Sjoerd Koornstra, Maaike Hagen, Wim Hamaekers
August 31, 2017

Research papers

Cocktails, spirits... and all those in between!

The company, Pernod Ricard, is looking to increase sales and market share, has identified that one potential channel to achieve this goal is online sales. This will increase online and offline sales. This business objective triggered the...

Catalogue: Latin America 2017: #IN
Authors: Maria Alejandra Velandia, Gabriela Rojas Parias
June 15, 2017

Research papers

Thirsty work: Collaborating towards metacognition in the cold beverage path to purchase

The research showed that well-rehearsed 'patterns' of service in the channels explored tend to inhibit the desire to seek out something new when deciding on cold drinks, and they tend to result in consumers making these decisions in autopilot (system...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2015: Creative! Collaborative! Cool!
Authors: Sally Lewis, Katie Alexander
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
November 18, 2015

Research papers

Contextual actions speak louder than words

Context is everything! The impact of context on human behaviour has been widely demonstrated in numerous experiments, both academic and marketing related. People don’t always do what they say because they generally don’t have a clue what...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: Jasper Scheir, Sjoerd Koornstra
October 1, 2015

Research papers

How research can help build a successful CSR campaign

This presentation shows the case study of one of the most significant CSR campaigns in Poland regarding responsible drinking among young people. The campaign was initiated by the ?ywiec Group and was accompanied by a research project.In the first...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Dominika Maison, Jarosaw Herrmann
September 26, 2013

Research papers

How does your cappuccino feel?

This is a joint supplier/client case history which will discuss methodology and results, review the value of the research in terms of what it contributed to the Mane Flavour Company business and demonstrate how the data was used in contributing to...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: Dominique Delfaud, John S. Pawle
Company: QRi Consulting Ltd.
September 26, 2013

Research papers

Impact of 3D objects in mobile market research

Mobile technology was harnessed in this study to place the respondent in a real shopping environment to make choices of placing new virtual 3D beverage products in a real life environment in real time. The decisions and choices the users made were...

Catalogue: 3D Digital Dimensions 2012: (Online + Social Media + Mobile) Research
Author: Navin Williams
November 6, 2012