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Research papers

Sounds with Soul

In its visceral form, the purpose of advertising is to raise awareness of a brand or product and to achievesales. But brands are not created to be flavours of a season. Strong brands outlive generations bycontinuously evolving and remaining relevant....

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Author: Ritanbara Mundrey
Company: Nestle
September 23, 2022

Research papers

Neuroscience applied

How to effectively communicate a social media campaign that encourages reporting against child and adolescent abuse? In a pro-bono copy-testing study, we optimized the Liberta Institute's campaign, which contributed to an increase in 10.3% of abuse...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Authors: Aline Souza, Janaína Brizante
Company: Nielsen
April 7, 2019

Research papers

The good old qual comes to rescue your digital spend!

This research seeks to create and validate a new approach for brands to develop a fusion based approach aiming at more meaningful and differentiated digital communication strategies. This methodology focuses on enabling marketers to contextualize the...

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Authors: Arfa Syed, Tooba Kamil
Company: Kantar
November 11, 2018

Research papers

The great internal communications experiment

The Great Communication Experiment is a pilot project carried out by Coca-Cola with Keen as Mustard Marketing to find out how to improve internal communications for the insights team. In particular, the study looked at how to influence broader...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Begonia Fafian, Lucy Davison
September 23, 2018

Research papers

The contribution of qualitative research to the presidential campaign of Vicente Fox (Spanish)

Within the framework of theoretical and methodological reflection about the discussion group, this paper describes how qualitative research was used in the campaign of Vicente Fox, the new President of Mexico. Qualitative research provided the...

Catalogue: Latin America 2001
Authors: Guido Lara, Soledad Rojas
May 1, 2001

Research papers

eBusiness changes global and strategic marketing

This paper provides a comprehensive description and definition of the eBusiness landscape, how it affects healthcare, and opportunities created in the health industry and specifically in diabetes care. Marketing and sales managers are bombarded with...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Global Healthcare 2001: Changes In Competitive Dynamics
Author: Meinhard F. Schmidt
Company: Roche
May 1, 2001

Research papers

Advertising research

A company communicates with its consumers in many different ways: media, the product itself, its packaging, its display material, personal communication, public relations, advertising and information about sponsoring. Although many of the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Handbook Of Market And Opinion Research
Author: Flemming Hansen
September 1, 1998

Research papers

Italy there's more to it

In the spring of 1986 tourism to Europe suffered a severe setback, political events and dramatic incidents concerning the Mediterranean area led to a seasonal drop of up to 50% from the North American market and substantial cancellations from other...

Catalogue: Seminar 1988: Travel And Tourism Research
Author: Alberto Denzler von Botha
May 4, 1988

Research papers

Research into factors affecting mergers and takeovers

During a disputed takeover bid companies are faced with the problem of conducting a major communications campaign, directed at a wide variety of "audiences" who may each be influenced by different factors. Takeover "battles" usually last over a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Authors: M. Burrows, Michael D. Ryan
June 15, 1969