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Research papers

Are we getting worse at political polling?

The accuracy of polling has been under the serious spotlight over the last couple of years. This paper is a summary of analysis conducted on an international database of 31310 polls from 473 elections and voting events across 40 countries around the...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Author: Jon Puleston
Company: Kantar
September 3, 2017

Research papers

From stream to structure

This paper describes the use of computerised topic analysis to segment and analyse tweets by US presidential election candidates in 2016. The statistical technique used to create the topic is called Latent Dirichlet Analysis (LDA). The paper shows...

Catalogue: Big Data World 2016: Understanding People Through Smart Data
Author: Andrew Jeavons
November 18, 2016

Research papers

The contribution of qualitative research to the presidential campaign of Vicente Fox

Within the framework of theoretical and methodological reflection about the discussion group, this paper describes how qualitative research was used in the campaign of Vicente Fox, the new President of Mexico. Qualitative research provided the...

Catalogue: Latin America 2001
Authors: Guido Lara, Soledad Rojas
May 1, 2001

Research papers


The Swedish election 1985 produced a surprisingly strong finish for the small Liberal party in Sweden - 14,50% compared to 5,90% in the previous electron in 1982. The polls had kept the party in the 5 to 7% range until the weeks before the election...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Authors: Hans L. Zetterberg, Gunnar Andren
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The democracy of opinion polls

I would like to suggest that the polling industry should not agonise too much about getting elections wrong. Error may be good for you; an occasional disaster can be good for the industry and good for the public. If polls were to have too long a run...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: David Butler
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The don't know voters

The paper presents a model for investigating the don't know phenomenon in the elections. The model distinguishes four different types of don't know voters according to the way people are stopped or remain stopped in the elections. The testing of the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Paula Hirstiö-Snellman
Company: Gallup International Association
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The use and publication of polls in a democracy

Pre-elections polls have never before been so disqualified in Spain. It will need quite a few years of impeccable work and new favourable electoral conditions for the professional activity of public opinion researchers to recover the image and the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Ginés Garrido Alart
June 15, 1986

Research papers

The influence of opinion polls on the outcome of the May 1986 elections in The Netherlands

Over the past few years, the author has frequently been featured on radio and television, presenting and commenting on the results of political opinion polls. The polls of May 16th and 17th as conducted by Inter/View, as well as those organized by...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Author: Maurice de Hond
June 15, 1986

Research papers

Opinion polls: How crucial are statistical techniques to get the right figures?

The 1986 french "Elections legislatives" have pointed out that the figures out coming from opinion polls are highly dependant from the statistical techniques involved in the estimation process. Such influence can be observed at three levels : -...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Opinion Polls
Authors: Sophie Martin, Gilles Santini
Company: IPSOS
June 15, 1986