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Research papers

Always on research

In a research world where questionnaires of more than 20 minutes are considered to be 'not done' and consumers are increasingly less inclined to participate in research projects, it is almost a paradox that one would think about long-term dialogues...

Catalogue: CEE Research Forum 2013: Research Remix
Author: Anouk Willems
Company: InSites Consulting
March 17, 2013

Research papers

How we see the world without seeing it

This presentation describes a digiqual study applying a new way of exploring the drivers of the current smartphone app boom. Using a hybrid approach, 'tested and trusted' and never-used-before qualitative techniques were combined to gather truly...

Catalogue: CEE Research Forum 2013: Research Remix
Authors: Ute Rademacher, Josephin Wandt
Company: Colibri Research
March 17, 2013

Research papers

Loading qualitative 2.0

As the world changes, humans evolve to new consumption and communication modes. Formats like t20 cricket, tequila shots, speed dating, mobisodes, express delivery, BBM and twitter symbolize this evolution. in this new world, clients need quick,...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2012: Informing Strategic Decision Making And Action
Authors: Vishal Sampat, Vartika Hali, Anupama Wagh-Koppar
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 8, 2012

Research papers

Rules of engagement

The war for online quality is being fought at respondent engagement. So far, the solution appears to be identifying offenders and eliminating them. However, not all satisficers are equal; we need rules of engagement that guide us toward eliminating...

Catalogue: 3D Digital Dimensions 2012: (Online + Social Media + Mobile) Research
Authors: Steven Gittelman, Elaine Trimarchi
November 6, 2012

Research papers

Social science research and field work in Afghanistan

Conducting quality research in a country as vast and insecure as Afghanistan is not without its challenges, i.e. high security risks (Taliban), violence, intimidation, corruption, ethnic, linguistic and gender differences, extensive illiteracy,...

Catalogue: Congress 2012: Accelerating Excellence
Author: Rafiq Ullah Kakar
Company: Opinion Research Center of Afghanistan (ORCA)
September 13, 2012

Research papers

In 2030 the best market researcher in the organisation will be the CEO!

The audience will journey to what market research will look like in 2030. For a selected number of years between 2012 and 2030, a particular development taking market intelligence to its new level is described. The fundamental shift in the market...

Catalogue: Congress 2012: Accelerating Excellence
Authors: David Smith, Elisabetta Osta
Company: DVL Smith Ltd
September 13, 2012

Research papers

Market research challenges in emerging economies

The challenge of market research is perhaps greatest in countries where it becomes nearly impossible to complete any daily polls due to conditions of social inequality, violence as an historical constant and inefficient transportation and...

Catalogue: Congress 2012: Accelerating Excellence
Authors: Catalina Mejia Rozo, Helga Mora Santamaría
Company: YanHaas S.A.
September 13, 2012

Research papers

Mergers in a changing market research world

Most of us will experience a merger or acquisition at some point in our careers, but many fail to produce the hoped-for benefits. Studies indicate that over half of public acquisitions end up reducing the value of the companies involved. Mergers are...

Catalogue: Congress 2012: Accelerating Excellence
Author: Michael Mitrano
Company: Transition Strategies Corporation
September 13, 2012

Research papers

ESOMAR practical guide on cookies

This Practical Guide offers guidance to the market, social and opinion researchers who use Cookies and similar technologies such as web beacons when conducting online activities on how to implement the European Union's (EU) new e-Privacy Directive...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
July 15, 2012