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Is the future of conversation silent?

Is the future of conversation silent? With people increasingly communicating by text and emojis, what does this mean for us as researchers, whose job it is to listen and interpret?

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Author: Sarah de Caux
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
November 11, 2018

Research papers


This is a story of how dreaming big is helping connect Diageo to the lives and rituals of consumers across five African markets. Demonstrating how an innovative mobile qualitative approach is helping Diageo's African research and innovation teams...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Paul Robert Thomas, Gavin Holt
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
November 3, 2017

Research papers

Lean in fifteen, actually make that ten!

Learn to live a leaner life. Forget lean in fifteen, here's TEN easy steps to maximising the value of insigh.With pressures on budget and headcount but ever-increasing demands for insightful analysis and actionable outputs, we believe lean offers a...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Paul Child, Danielle Wakeman
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
September 5, 2017

Research papers

Real to reel

Did you know that videos are shared 12 times more than links and text posts combined on Facebook?In a world where we live increasingly digitised lifestyles, where video on demand is increasingly the norm and our penchant for movies shows no sign of...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Authors: Graeme Lawrence, Sally Lewis
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
November 16, 2016

Research papers

Thirsty work: Collaborating towards metacognition in the cold beverage path to purchase

The research showed that well-rehearsed 'patterns' of service in the channels explored tend to inhibit the desire to seek out something new when deciding on cold drinks, and they tend to result in consumers making these decisions in autopilot (system...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2015: Creative! Collaborative! Cool!
Authors: Sally Lewis, Katie Alexander
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
November 18, 2015

Research papers

Brands that make me smile

Researchers are increasingly collecting user-generated content as part of the research process. This presentation highlights the problems encountered when using selfie photographs (selfies) to measure in-the-moment responses towards brands, focusing...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2014: Research Renaissance
Author: Pete Comley
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
November 18, 2014


Brands that make me smile

Researchers are increasingly collecting user-generated content as part of the research process. This presentation highlights the problems encountered when using selfie photographs (selfies) to measure in-the-moment responses towards brands, focusing...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2014: Research Renaissance
Author: Pete Comley
Company: Join the Dots InSites Consulting
June 15, 2014