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Research papers

Alexa, order Heineken

The growing consumer-use of voice-enabled technology will reshape customer journeys and purchasing patterns. It challenges the brand-strategy of leading companies and it creates opportunities to develop their unique voice brand.

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Dirk Huisman, Joris Huisman
Company: SKIM
September 23, 2018


Alexa, order Heineken

The growing consumer-use of voice-enabled technology will reshape customer journeys and purchasing patterns. It challenges the brand-strategy of leading companies and it creates opportunities to develop their unique voice brand.

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Dirk Huisman, Joris Huisman
Company: SKIM
September 23, 2018


Uncovering the unspoken word

In today's fast-paced digital world time is precious, speed is of the essence and attention spans are short - yet expectations of market research have never been greater. This is why we have to adjust, challenge existing norms and come up with...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Authors: Robin de Rooij, Paul Janssen
Company: SKIM
December 4, 2017


2027, make your dream come true

90% of the core activities of market research will be automated. Design, Interpretation, Guidance and Trust will typify the Market Research Profession. This provocative session is highly relevant for researchers hoping to be successful in 2027.

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Dirk Huisman, Joris Huisman
Company: SKIM
November 27, 2017

Research papers

(Wo)man VS. machine: From competition to collaboration

It is no secret that the market research industry is under pressure to deliver sound and strategic insights within shrinking budgets and timeframes. Ten years from now efficiency is predicted to be the number one deciding factor when commissioning...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Author: Samantha Bond
Company: SKIM
November 3, 2017


Turning a corner on negative perceptions of refugees in Europe

The world is currently facing the largest refugee crisis since World War II. At the same time, refugees have negative connotations, with the European public’s propensity to help being on shaky ground. In this paper, we therefore investigate...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Samantha Bond, Patricia Dominguez, Nijat Mammadbayli
Company: SKIM
October 26, 2017


From the dusted drawer to the top of the pile

The main objective of this study is to determine the status quo of sharing market research results by both the agency and company/client, and to explore new ways of sharing these results for a high impact and forward integration. In this study we...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Jasper Melchers, Iris van Loon
Company: SKIM
October 26, 2017

Research papers

Turning a corner on negative perceptions of refugees in Europe

The world is currently facing the largest refugee crisis since World War II. At the same time, refugees have negative connotations, with the European public's propensity to help being on shaky ground. In this paper, we, therefore, investigate whether...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Samantha Bond, Patricia Dominguez, Nijat Mammadbayli
Company: SKIM
September 6, 2017

Research papers

From the dusted drawer to the top of the pile

The main objective of this study is to determine the status quo of sharing market research results by both the agency and company/client, and to explore new ways of sharing these results for a high impact and forward integration. In this study we...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Jasper Melchers, Julia Gornandt, Iris van Loon, Joey Ophof
Company: SKIM
September 5, 2017