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Research papers

Mergers in a changing market research world

Most of us will experience a merger or acquisition at some point in our careers, but many fail to produce the hoped-for benefits. Studies indicate that over half of public acquisitions end up reducing the value of the companies involved. Mergers are...

Catalogue: Congress 2012: Accelerating Excellence
Author: Michael Mitrano
Company: Transition Strategies Corporation
September 13, 2012

Research papers

New faces, new roles, new ways, a new Latin America

The impactful transformation and configuration of the various Latin American societies is tackled in this presentation, be it in their consumption, the possibilities for economic development, the employment challenges faced by the young, the changes...

Catalogue: Latin America 2012: Uncovering Opportunities
Authors: Luis Woldenberg Karakowsky, Dolores Sánchez
Company: NODO
May 3, 2012

Research papers

Mastercard- Master insights

Consumer opinions are prolific, authentic and insightful when respondents are more 'relaxed' in the internet versus when they are approached in person. Analysis on consumer-generated content in social media made a great contribution to nurturing the...

Catalogue: Latin America 2012: Uncovering Opportunities
Author: Ricardo J. Alvarez
Company: MasterCard
May 3, 2012

Research papers

Tell me what you want, what you really really want

This paper teaches how to generate the social media research results you desire regardless of what the true results are. It will show how to gather social media data from the internet using inappropriate sampling methods and how to select the wrong...

Catalogue: 3D Digital Dimensions 2011: (Online + Social Media + Mobile) Research
Author: Annie Pettit
October 26, 2011

Research papers

The place for mobile research?

Researchers are trained to take 'pre' and 'post' measurements. Mobile apps now enable us to measure 'the moment' as well. During the British Royal Wedding, respondents shared these moments with Ipsos and Sky News. This paper describes how traditional...

Catalogue: 3D Digital Dimensions 2011: (Online + Social Media + Mobile) Research
Authors: Sean Conry, Simon Atkinson
Companies: Ipsos MRBI, Forsta
October 26, 2011

Research papers

Engage, inspire, act

Great companies understand the importance of consumer and market insights. Enhancing capabilities like acquiring new techniques and technology for data collection and analysis are important to build insights and inform product development. Such...

Catalogue: Congress 2011: Impact
Authors: Stan Knoops, Niels Schillewaert, Tom De Ruyck, Gita Coenen, Soraia Rodrigues
Companies: InSites Consulting, Unilever
September 18, 2011

Research papers

Insight simplicity

Striving for simplicity itself is nothing new. However, what has changed is the level of distraction in the current age. Within this context it is now difficult for decision makers to see the information they need. Successful insight delivery must...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2011: Increasing Value Through Simplicity
Authors: Sangeeta Gupta, Andrew Vincent
Company: PepsiCo
March 20, 2011

Research papers

Synergizing natural and research communities

Research panels are under pressure: response rates are in decline. By using methods like 'social media netnography' researchers can dig into an online source of textual and visual information to answer research questions, and get answers for unasked...

Catalogue: Online Research 2010: E-Universe
Authors: Carel Vereijken, Stephan Ludwig, Tom De Ruyck, Annelies Verhaeghe
Companies: InSites Consulting, Danone
October 19, 2010

Research papers

Naked truth

This paper presents the results of a study done for the Axe brand and its TV series 'City Hunters' its aim was to understand if the brand was promoting its values among its target. This work shows that the Online Focus Group methodology is apt for...

Catalogue: Online Research 2010: E-Universe
Authors: Santiago Kahane, Mariana Itzcovich
Companies: DatosClaros - Octubre Research SA, Unilever
October 19, 2010