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Research papers

Station to station

The authors report findings from a comprehensive analysis of radio audience data captured by Arbitron's Portable People Meter (PPM). The paper compares the diary and PPM results for a common area and time period and list of stations.Comparisons, not...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Ken Purdye, Pasquale A. Pellegrini
June 21, 2005

Research papers

Passive VS. button pushing

The authors report findings from an extensive analysis comparing two TV meter panels in Quebec and Canada; the TNS Picture Matching technology (PMT) and Arbitron's Portable People meter (PPM). Paramount in this comparison is the passive nature of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2004: Television
Authors: Ken Purdye, Pasquale A. Pellegrini
June 18, 2004

Research papers

Panel turnover and fatigue

This paper describes a cross-sectional analysis of three people meter panels in Canada, one of which has been operating since 1997. With no formal 'forced turnover' policy, BBM Canada is ideally suited to examining 'time in panel' or 'panel fatigue'...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2003: Television
Authors: Ken Purdye, Pasquale A. Pellegrini
June 17, 2003

Research papers

Pushing picture matching to the limit

This paper provides a summary of BBM Canada's picture matching experience over the last four years. The authors focus on how well picture matching compares with DFM, how multimatching is handled, the problem of unmatched viewing, picture matching's...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2002: Television
Authors: Ken Purdye, Pasquale A. Pellegrini
June 9, 2002

Research papers

Matching pictures, matching expectations

This paper describes the Taylor Nelson AGB Picture Matching Technology (PMT) for identifying the program or channel being viewed on a television set. It outlines the structure of a field test conducted in Vancouver, Canada in late 1997/early 1998 to...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF Seminar 1998: Electronic Media And Measurement Trends
Authors: Ken Purdye, Owen Charlebois
June 15, 1998

Research papers

Product/media and the quest for the Holy Grail

This paper is about ways to collect and integrate information on television/radio use on the one hand and use of different products on the other. And from a Canadian perspective; which is probably sufficient motivation for the reader to turn speedily...

Catalogue: ARF/ESOMAR Worldwide Electronic And Broadcast Audience Research Symposium 1996
Authors: Ken Purdye, Rob Dick
June 15, 1996

Research papers

Sample size

Every researcher is asked the question: how big should the sample be? And every researcher has the same standard buck-passing answer: it depends on how accurately you want to measure what you measure. But given the amount of money that is traded on...

Catalogue: Radio Research Symposium 1995
Author: Ken Purdye
July 1, 1995

Research papers

Measuring the television habits of ethnic minorities

Canada is a country of immigrants, and official government policy encourages bilingualism (English and French) and multiculturalism. Television services are provided in French and English across the country; cable and traditional over-the-air...

Catalogue: ESORMAR/ARF Worldwide Electronic And Broadcast Audience Research 1994
Authors: Owen Charlebois, Jim Matsui, Ken Purdye
May 1, 1994

Research papers

TV audience measurement around the world

There is increasing interest in the "Digital Superhighway”. How will TV audience measurement cope with this radical change in the medium? Many believe that the fast approaching fractionated and mobile television environment will necessitate a...

Catalogue: ESORMAR/ARF Worldwide Electronic And Broadcast Audience Research 1994
Authors: Bill Harvey, Ken Purdye
May 1, 1994