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Life in times of COVID, from shopping baskets to digital behaviour

The market research industry is at the forefront of understanding the changes consumers and companies are going through during these unprecedented times. Many studies and data analyses have been carried out by many research organizations around the...

Catalogue: Webinars 2020
Authors: Alina Serbanica, Oana Popa Rengle, Siamack Salari, Bogdana Gheorghe, Gabriela Carstoiu, Julien Zidaru, Steliana Ifrim
June 30, 2020


Life, actually...

Join this presentation from Oana Rengle and learn how to:- Explore instances of deprivation and inflation, to learn more about what matters to humans.- Explore the abilities and limitations of humans predicting their own future, so that this skill...

Catalogue: ESOMAR TV: North America & Europe at Home
Author: Oana Popa Rengle
Company: Anamnesis
April 30, 2020

Research papers

Metaphors we remember by

Steer away from the dominant MR narrative (that focuses on the limits of human memory) and learn how to elicit and decode early memories to reveal precious information about how a person views the world.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Author: Oana Popa Rengle
Company: Anamnesis
November 10, 2019


Metaphors we remember by

Steer away from the dominant MR narrative (that focuses on the limits of human memory) and learn how to elicit and decode early memories to reveal precious information about how a person views the world.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Author: Oana Popa Rengle
Company: Anamnesis
November 10, 2019


Finding new stories in old data

Narrative psychotherapy has been around since the 1970s-1980s, helping people identify their resources and create new narratives about themselves, to better confront whatever problems they face. And, interestingly enough, this is a need that brands...

Catalogue: Webinars 2018
Author: Oana Popa Rengle
May 4, 2018

Research papers

Finding new stories in old data

Narrative psychotherapy has been around since the 70s-80s, helping people identify their resources and create a new narrative about themselves, to better confront whatever problems they face. And, interestingly enough, this is a need also brands...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Author: Oana Popa Rengle
November 16, 2016


Finding new stories in old data

Narrative psychotherapy has been around since the 70s-80s, helping people identify their resources and create a new narrative about themselves, to better confront whatever problems they face. And, interestingly enough, this is a need also brands...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Author: Oana Popa Rengle
June 15, 2016