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Research papers

Reincarnating TAM panelists to understand channel surfing

This paper records a continuation in a series of studies launched to appreciate TAM ratings in a holistic manner. Pure quantitative or qualitative studies often stop short of giving the user a complete understanding of viewing behavior, especially...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: Akash Chawla, L. V. Krishnan, Sharan Sharma, Trevor Sharot
Companies: TAM Media Research, Nielsen
June 23, 2005

Research papers

Increasing viewer control

The paper describes the challenges facing television audience measurement in the United Kingdom in monitoring devices such as PVRs.BARB is incorporating the full measurement of the Sky+ PVR later in 2005. Viewing through the Sky+ box will be...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: Tony Jarvis, Bjarne Thelin, Tony Wearn
June 23, 2005

Research papers

From set top meters to set top boxes

The migration from analogue to digital television is compromising traditional, sample centric audience measurement techniques;- diaries and Peoplemeters.To address this, TNS has invested in a comprehensive programme encompassing research, new...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: George Shababb, Anthony Taylor
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 23, 2005

Research papers

Time to change time

Most people in the industry will agree that the dynamic of television has changed and that the dynamic of all other media are changing too. Considering that we face a new media environment and that we need to address the stronger than ever demand of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: Ken Holden, Gilles Santini
June 23, 2005

Research papers

A cost effective approach for measuring out-of-home viewing

Even though the idea of a portable-only panel may seem appealing for its conceptual simplicity, a deeper analysis reveals a number of systematic drawbacks that may easily offset any advantages over fixed-meter panels.On the other hand, capturing the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Author: Fernando Falcon
June 23, 2005

Research papers

New insights on first-time electronic data on out-of-home and time-shifted television viewing

Increasingly, the new mantra among today's leading advertisers is, 'Know your consumers! Know who they are, what they're doing, and when, where and why they're doing it.'These goals translate into important new objectives for marketers, broadcasters...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: Robert H. Patchen, Beth Webb
Company: Nielsen
June 23, 2005

Research papers

Progress towards media mix accountability

PPM commercial audience estimates offer insight about consumers' avoidance of tv commercials. Total commercial avoidance, an average 7%, is composed of nearly six- tenths channel switching and four-tenths due to other 'interruptions'. Program content...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: Roberta M. McConochie, Leslie Wood, Beth Uyenco, Chris Heider
Companies: Nielsen, OMD Group
June 23, 2005

Research papers

The missing link

In January 2005 the Dutch Advertisers Association (BVA) presented the results of an observational study on viewing behaviour during commercial breaks. Results from filming 100 households watching TV showed only 20% of commercial airtime is watched...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: John H. Faasse, Nicole Engels, Marjolein Moorman, Lex van Meurs
Company: GfK
June 23, 2005

Research papers

DVR impact is not 30-second shattering

ABC Television and ESPN conducted research to understand the impact of DVR technology on TV viewing behavior. The research suggests that interest in DVR is mainly driven by the importance of TV rather than by age or technology savvy, although...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Cross Media
Authors: Rachel Mueller-Lust, Artie Bulgrin
June 23, 2005