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Research papers

Strategic vision of the new socialism development which joins the East with the West

Berlin wall demolition is such a historic act as the Fall of the Bastille was. Reforms in the East indicate the stalinist and dogmatic socialism breakdown, the birth of the market economy and radical change of the property relations. Bureaucratic...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1990: Using Research For Marketing In The 90's
Authors: Zivorad Zlatkovic, Mile Jovic
September 1, 1990

Research papers

Economic reforms in the East

Economic reforms taking place in many Eastern countries try to break up with a dogmatic conception of the market, planning, property, securities, entrepreneurship, marketing and franchising. Many of the ideas that until recently were strongly...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1988
Authors: Mile Jovic, Zivorad Zlatkovic
September 1, 1988

Research papers

How to win in the Yugoslav market

This paper sets out the major changes of inheres to foreign companies, i.e. the turn of the official economic policy towards a market-regulated national economy and the consequent new possibilities for cooperation. To this end new legislative avenues...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1987
Authors: Zivorad Zlatkovic, Mile Jovic, Stojadin Stojsavljevic
June 15, 1987

Research papers

Changing distribution channel relationship in the Eighties

Yugoslavia nowadays has a powerful textile and garments industry which is relatively evenly spread throughout her territory and which unites more than a hundred years of experience on the one hand, and energy and initiative of a young industry on the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1986: Retail Strategies For Profit And Growth
Authors: Zivorad Zlatkovic, Mile Jovic
June 4, 1986