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Research papers

Consumer satisfaction as a social indicator

The purpose of this paper is to investigate conceptual and methodological problems raised by research on consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction (C S/D) and to review its areas of application.

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Yves Evrard
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Impact of change on retail strategy, structure and performance

This paper focuses on the analysis of change across three distinct, but interrelated environments: i) consumer; ii) economic and iii) retailing. Past failures in retailing research have resulted from a lack of focus and direction and from attempts to...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Douglas J. Tigert
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Marketing to women in traditionally male markets

The paper discusses the influence of more non-married women, more working women, more supermarket shopping and a generally increased need to share activities with their husbands, as reasons why women are encroaching into traditionally male markets.

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Maggie Stanway
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Report of working group

The working group concentrated its discussion on two main subjects. These were: 1. The rise of the pressure group and the political and research implications of this. 2. The problems of persuading governments to take action on the findings of social...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Max Hanna
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Report of working group

The starting point for our discussion was the recognition that social change is proceeding faster than at any time in human history. Politicians, administrators, and those involved in the political process are therefore like managers of industrial...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Authors: Karel C. P. Slootman, Andrew Robert McIntosh
June 18, 1980

Research papers

National dwelling and housing survey

This paper sets a series of large scale Housing surveys commissioned by the Department of the Environment (DOE) between 1977-1979 against the background of a developing national housing policy. It focusses on the particular character and role of the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Authors: Anthony Eastaugh, P. R. Swallow
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Attempt at integration of social change for business purposes

While the industrialised countries of Western Europe have managed prodigious feats of production and growth during the past 25 years, current difficulties would seem to indicate that 'unexpected visitors' have somehow disturbed the rules of the game,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Henri Lombard
Company: Shell Global
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Changing individual needs and the world of fashion

Fiorucci has always tried to interprete the evolution and the sudden chances in the tastes of the younger generation, therefore the first part of this paper will deal with how this problem has been handled in the past. Subsequently, by means of...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Elio Fiorucci
June 18, 1980

Research papers

Diminishing political participation

Statistics show that political participation in Switzerland, as in many other Western countries, is constantly decreasing. A first analysis has shown, that certain segments of the population are much less participating in polls than others,...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Social Change Analysis As A Tool For Strategic Planning And Decision Making
Author: Werner Wyss
Company: SCOPE Qualitative Research AG
June 18, 1980