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Research papers

Human or AI?

The impact of AI on the future of the market research industry is a topic that is currently generating a lot of discussion, excitement and fear. The implications of AI for our industry are varied and cover a wide range of potential areas of...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Cecile Carre, Eva Wittmann
September 27, 2023


Human or AI?

The impact of AI on the future of the market research industry is a topic that is currently generating a lot of discussion, excitement and fear. The implications of AI for our industry are varied and cover a wide range of potential areas of...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Cecile Carre, Eva Wittmann
Company: IPSOS
September 27, 2023


Raising the bar on quality sample

What's it about?Greg Matheson will guide attendees through the key features of the game changing online security and field management tool, dtect.  The session will highlight key levels of functionality with a deeper dive on the security...

Catalogue: Webinars 2023
Authors: Greg Matheson, Luke Bothwell
Company: Quest Mindshare
February 10, 2023

Research papers

Freeze Fraudster!

Data quality is and will always be at the top of researchers' mind in the insights industry. How in today's ever-evolving climate can you trust that your data is reliable? Even though this issue has grown and changed over time,it remains...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Authors: Lisa Wilding-Brown, Sandy Casey, Rich Ratcliff
Companies: InnovateMR, OpinionRoute
September 23, 2022



Freeze Fraudster!

Data quality is and will always be at the top of researchers' mind in the insights industry. How in today's ever-evolving climate can you trust that your data is reliable? Even though this issue has grown and changed over time,it remains...

Catalogue: Congress 2022: 75th Anniversary
Companies: InnovateMR, OpinionRoute
September 23, 2022


New Frontiers in ResTech: Sampling Excellence, Data Quality, and Fraud Detection

What's it about?Join us for a complimentary webinar about the latest tools and techniques for maximising data quality and minimising fraud in the research/insights field.The growing sub-field of ?Research Technology? (?ResTech?) offers the promise of...

Catalogue: Webinars 2022
Authors: Stephen Kraus, Vignesh Krishnan, Chuck Miller
Company: MRII
March 17, 2022


How to catch liars before they lie

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}Would you be curious to learn how memes dramatically improve the survey data quality? Our research on the use of memes in surveys to improve respondent honesty, to encourage more...

Catalogue: Congress 2019: The Global Data & Insights Summit
Author: Kristen Ball
Company: Kantar
September 8, 2019


Identifying fraudulent research participants in online surveys

With every quantitative market research study, data quality is critical. Researchers can now be confident that their quality checks are effective, with the validation of different steps that allow the identification and elimination of...

Catalogue: Webinars 2017
Authors: Leila Arroum, Adrian Becker
Company: Research Now SSI
December 28, 2017