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Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research (German)

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformity with the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the special characteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
March 2, 1997

Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformitywith the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code ofMarketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the specialcharacteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
February 1, 1996

Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research (Spanish)

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformity with the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the special characteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
February 1, 1996

Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research (French)

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformity with the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the special characteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
February 1, 1996

Research reports

Qualitative research into rheumatic diseases

The headquarters of Sandoz in Basle have beencarrying out a primary research program on a new drugfor the treatment of rheumatic diseases, and are intendingto carry out a market research program in the USA, Germanyand the UK to explore the potential...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
February 1, 1976