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Research papers

Layout, format and order of questions

Questions may be presented as open-ended, dichotomous or multiple choice. Which Is the best format? This depends very much on the aim of the particular question, for instance whether you are looking for as wide a range of responses as possible, or...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Jack Hamilton
February 14, 1995

Research papers

How to ask a question and what to avoid

Questionnaire design must be regarded as one of the most critical phases of a market research survey because if the required information is not covered adequately or if the questions are not asked properly then no amount of clever interviewing or...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Teach-In Seminar 1995: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Sampling, Statistics And Questionnaires
Author: Jack Hamilton
February 14, 1995

Research reports

What is market research?

This booklet is intended to give a brief outline of what market research is all about and what its principal methods and techniques are. It has been prepared by ESOMAR mainly to help potential users who would like to know more about this specialized...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Publications
Authors: Jack Hamilton, ESOMAR B.V.
September 1, 1989