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Research papers

When GenAI Meets Gen Z

Brands are successful when they can effectively convert business strategy into ideas that speak to their consumers. The ultimate prize is to be able to create game-changing concepts that capture the consumer?s imagination and bridge the gap between...

Catalogue: North America 2024 - Innovation
Authors: Adrian Terron, Swati Shankar
Company: TATA Group
August 5, 2024


Research papers

Wooing the Next Billion Customers

As startups and established brands grapple for profitable growth across markets, pioneering the development of a customer acquisition model that can lower the cost of growth is imperative. India?s rise as the world?s most populous economy with low...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Authors: Adrian Terron, Anju Joseph, Kavita Mahto
Company: TATA Group
November 22, 2023


Empathy and its Role in a VUCA Business World

What sometimes seems like turbulence and tumult can often be a symphony in the making. Like a duet between jazz musicians or the famed ?Jugalbandi? from Indian classical music, where a spontaneous coming together starts with uncertainty but...

Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Adrian Terron, Anju Joseph, Kavita Mahto
Companies: Quantum Consumer Solutions, TATA Group
September 27, 2023


How Unilever is enabling purpose-driven marketing with Bot-enabled Research.

Unilever, Africa?s leading consumer goods company, recently partnered with Borderless Access to develop a deeper understanding of the personal/household hygiene habits and needs of mass-market consumers in order to know how to address these issues on...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Stacey Grant, Bev Bassett
Companies: Borderless Access Pvt. Ltd., Unilever
July 27, 2021


Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated

Consumers in the UAE region have moved to being all digital, but market research methods are yet to adapt to this reality. With mobile and social media marketing spends exploding in the UAE region, are non-digital survey methods still relevant? Do...

Catalogue: MENAP Forum 2017: Connecting And Collaborating For Impact
Authors: Hector Paris, Dushyant Gupta
Company: Borderless Access Pvt. Ltd.
June 15, 2017