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Research papers

Communicating on early childhood development

Designing communications campaigns in social marketing is a very complex endeavour. In our case, we sought to see how to communicate to parents of infants that they need to, and can do, more to ensure their child grows up to their full potential. How...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Authors: François Lagarde, Christian Bourque
Company: Leger
September 26, 2013

Research papers

Integrating research in crisis management decision-making

Over the last 24 months, three publicly traded, North American companies (Menu Foods, Matteland Maple Leaf Foods) have provided researchers and practitioners with ample evidence that the most valuable crisis management and communications responses...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Terence Flynn, Christian Bourque
Company: Leger
September 22, 2009