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Research papers

When consumption becomes political

This presentation addresses several significant questions: To what extent do consumers in emerging markets like Brazil and Argentina face the marketplace as a new voting arena to express identities and interests, as well as beliefs about the common...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Author: Fabián Echegaray
Company: Market Analysis
September 22, 2009

Research papers

Information à la carte

If market research must be more effectively used, especially in tough economic times, the challenge is not so much in the research process itself, but in the way the results are targeted at and presented to the different stakeholders. Against a...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Ineke van Meel, Jeroen Rietberg
Companies: Randstad Holding, Intellex Dynamic Reporting
September 22, 2009

Research papers

Me-to-we research

Me-to-We research challenges a central piece of market research dogma, namely, that practitioners should only ask people about their own motivations, actions and future behaviour. In 'We' research we never ask people about themselves, only what...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Mark Earls, John Kearon
Company: BrainJuicer
September 22, 2009

Research papers

Protection or participation?

The objective of this paper is to highlight for organisations the specific contemporary challenges presented when carrying out research with children in a fast growing increasingly regulated with multi-platform environment. In doing so the paper aims...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Author: Agnes Nairn
September 22, 2009

Research papers

Looking under the hood of CSR

Companies are investing in it, consumers demanding it, pundits applauding it . . . but what does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) really mean: to consumers as opposed to shareholders? Does it encompass fair pay to women? Reducing the carbon...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Author: Martin Oxley
Companies: BuzzBack Market Research, Nestlé
September 22, 2009

Research papers

On the edge or over the edge?

This presentation addresses the somewhat conflicting developments in healthcare research over recent years - a move toward ever more innovative, consumer-driven research approaches, and the increase in guidelines and legislation specific to this...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Heike Bäumlisberger, Rachel Medcalf
September 22, 2009

Research papers

The longest day

Corporate (social) responsibility is high on the agenda of almost every national and international company. But little is understood about what it does to a brand or how a brand should deal with it. Although the benefits and opportunities, both for...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Micheal Friedman, Tom De Ruyck, Annelies Verhaeghe
Company: InSites Consulting
September 22, 2009

Research papers

Integrating research in crisis management decision-making

Over the last 24 months, three publicly traded, North American companies (Menu Foods, Matteland Maple Leaf Foods) have provided researchers and practitioners with ample evidence that the most valuable crisis management and communications responses...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Terence Flynn, Christian Bourque
Company: Leger
September 22, 2009

Research papers

Sustainability, higher margin opportunities & economic crises

The recent economic downturn resulted in the rapid deterioration of the appeal of 'classic' luxury propositions and an equally rapid rise in the demand of a new, ethically-driven aspiration, namely the sustainable notion of premium. This presentation...

Catalogue: Congress 2009: Leading The Way
Authors: Howard R. Moskowitz, Alex Gofman, Marco Bevolo
Company: Philips International
September 22, 2009