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Research papers

Southeast Asia: See tomorrow, today

For the first time, companies are embarking on new and disruptive activities in a quest to launch breakthrough innovations faster with more impact. At the same time, after reviewing more than 2,500 consumer product launches in the top 20 categories...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2015: Asia Means Business
Author: Tobias Puehse
Company: Nielsen
May 19, 2015


Revue Française du Marketing (Décembre 2014)

Deux des plus grands défis du marketing concernent la révolution introduitepar les technologies digitales dans la communication, la diffusion des offres de produits et de services et la préoccupation de plus en plus forte des consommateurs...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
December 1, 2014

Research papers

When you can smell the feel and touch the colour

This presentation experiments with a completely out of the box methodology to help innovation labs get better inputs in product development – unbiased, more discriminating.Innovation teams need help with exploring only texture articulation and...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2014: Research Renaissance
Authors: Vishal Sampat, Vartika Hali, Runa Gupta
November 18, 2014


Research World (October 2014)

In this issue we look at innovation to improve quality in mobile research.

Catalogue: Research World 2014
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
October 15, 2014

Research papers

Nature VS. nurture: Can you change your innovation's destiny?

When it comes to innovation, what side of the nature vs. nurture debate are you on?While some marketers like the late Steve Jobs believe that a new product idea is either good or bad and success will follow accordingly, others believe different...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Helen Wing, Lee Markowitz, Lucy Balbuena Robles, Paul Crowe
Company: Ipsos MRBI
September 10, 2014

Research papers

What inspires the curious generation

For a research to be truly successful, it is imperative to have respondents who are inspired to participate. We detail our approach that took previous learning into consideration to design a new and inspired methodology. The presentation also...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Gitanjali Ghate, Shibani Nayak, Sumeli Chatterjee, Sushma Panchawati, Rahul Mullick
September 10, 2014

Research papers

Going to the edges for inspiration

It seems counter-intuitive to go to the extremes to find insights that are relevant to the masses. But in this presentation, we demonstrate the value of doing just that. We show how people with more intense and unusual experiences, attitudes and...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Jacky Parsons, Elaine Ho, Nick Graham, Tom Lilley, Jayne Hickey, Marlene Cohen
September 10, 2014

Research papers

How success stories from the past can inspire future innovation

Often enough companies are focusing on launching tactical, uninspired, no-risk and no-reward new products and line-extensions instead of thinking ahead to generate breakthrough big initiatives that can deliver unprecedented successes. When companies...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Marcin Penconek, David Hood
Company: Nielsen
September 10, 2014

Research papers

The way of insight beyond technique

It is inspiring to experience the sudden appearance of a dazzling insight, the feeling of transcendence, and the magic of serendipity even if it's only for a fleeting moment. But this is too often a rare occurrence, and, furthermore, this experience...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Takashi Takenoshita, Vivek Banerji, Melissa Dagless
Companies: Insight Dojo, Shionogi
September 10, 2014