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The results has been filter on Catalogues containing ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio.
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Research papers

Diaries for digital delivery

The growth of digital platforms like satellite and cable TV, as well as the internet, has changed listening patterns in the United Kingdom.There has also been an increase in station choice with the launch of 20 national digital only services from the...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Tim Farmer, John Stockley
Company: Ipsos MRBI
June 21, 2005

Research papers

Adding "cell phone only" households in a radio measurement service

The authors present results from a study in which respondents were called on their cellular (mobile) phones to determine their levels of cellular dependence (e.g., cell-only or cell-casual users).Respondents were also asked to participate in...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Ed Cohen, Barbara O'Hare, Anna Fleeman
Company: Nielsen
June 21, 2005

Research papers

Measuring radio's real ROI

This 'real world' study was conducted in the United States for the Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab by Millward Brown and Information Resources, Inc. (IRI), and it examined four pairs of radio and television campaigns in a range of product categories over...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Mary Bennett, James D. Peacock
June 21, 2005

Research papers

Product integration: The gold behind the American Music Awards

ABC in partnership with OMD conducted research to understand the advertising impact of a product integration during the American Music Awards (AMAs) telecast on November 14, 2004.The research compares brand and program metrics for the product...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Beth Uyenco, Rachel Mueller-Lust
Company: OMD Group
June 21, 2005

Research papers

How effective is product placement at improving brand image and preference?

This paper introduces a new model that isolates the impact of product placement/integration on consumption and brand imagery. The model was developed with one of the largest advertisers in the United States and this paper is based on a case study for...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Author: Darren Marshall
June 21, 2005

Research papers


With sponsorships and branded entertainment on television taking many different forms (Placements, Content Integration, Story line Integration, Sponsorships, Content Associations, etc.), the challenge lies in making comparisons and evaluations of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Author: Atul Phadnis
Company: TAM Media Research
June 21, 2005

Research papers

Retailers as media destinations

This research study is a comprehensive analysis of the efficacy of the emerging in-store medium.The multi-phased study covers a number of different aspects and simplifies the overall challenge of understanding this emerging radio opportunity. The...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Craig T. Gugel, Robert Wolf, George Wishart
June 21, 2005

Research papers

Should you take me out to the ballgame?

This paper describes an innovative approach demonstrating the effectiveness and utility of an internationally validated tool that allows marketers to pre-qualify sponsorships - before they make their spending decisions. Via assessments that are...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Robert Passikoff, Allen Gerber
Company: Brand Keys, Inc.
June 21, 2005

Research papers

Measuring children's media consumption effectively

Radiocontrol has been the official measuring system used to measure the radio listening habits of people in Switzerland aged 15 years and over since 1 January 2001. Information on children's radio consumption, however, still has to be obtained by...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/ARF WAM Conference 2005: Radio
Authors: Manuel Daehler, Stephanie Weiss
June 21, 2005