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Research papers

Loohcal media, gloohbal measurement

Out-of-Home (OoH) media has always been in trouble regarding measurements. Although great effort, resources, money and time has been spent in many countries, the complexity of the media - due to its geographical dispersion, volume and granularity -...

Catalogue: Latin America 2019
Author: Daniel Cuende
Company: Cuende Infometrics
April 7, 2019

Research papers

Unifying measures of customer experience and satisfaction

Satisfaction measurement at Microsoft has evolved from a singularly sourced and scrutinised version of the truth to a more frequent and holistic measurement framework, providing a richer understanding of customer and partner health. We’ve...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Jeffrey Mercer, Mareth Cordell
Company: GlobeScan Incorporated
September 23, 2018

Research papers

Accelerating B2B sales with Big Data

How Universal Avenue increased earnings for their B2B sales team by creating advanced predictions based on internal and external data streams.

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: Jonatan Hedin, Stephen Kirk
November 20, 2017

Research papers

SUPERCRUNCH data design thinking

Tackle the most common challenge when developing data-driven solutions: How to define a tangible use case? The Supercrunchers will walk you through based on a real-life case.

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: David Kaufmann, Norbert Wirth
Company: GfK
November 10, 2017

Research papers

The marketing impact score

This presentation answers a key client question: what is the right Marketing Metric?

Catalogue: Big Data World 2017: Smart Data Integration
Authors: Caroline Smiley, Fiona Blades
Company: MESH Experience
November 7, 2017

Research papers

Gaining marketing-relevant knowledge from social media photos

The flood of photos on social media is overwhelming. Every single day, Facebook users upload an average of 351 million images. These snapshots not only provide insights into the users' lives, but also reflects their attitudes and experiences with...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Raimund Wildner, Carolin Kaiser
Company: GfK
September 22, 2016

Research papers

Towards 20/20 vision

Quality of research analysis has always been dependent on the individual researcher's ability to see clearly without distortion, and discern shades of difference in what they see/ perceive. This ability is particularly critical today, when data is...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2015: Creative! Collaborative! Cool!
Author: Shobha Prasad
Company: Drshti Strategic Research Service pvt. Ltd.
November 18, 2015

Research papers

Modular surveys for agile research solutions

New sampling applications such as RDIT, Google Consumer Surveys and other DIY applications provide researchers with exciting opportunities to leverage agile market research solutions that go beyond the reach of access panels and do so with greater...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Authors: David Jamieson, Grant Miller, John Crockett
Company: IRIS Network
October 1, 2015

Research papers

Are you paying attention?

Mobile devices have opened up market research opportunities. Yet, the anywhere, anytime aspects of mobile data collection can affect research quality with additional distractions and loss of attentiveness. This paper supports a current multi-cell...

Catalogue: Latin America 2015: Carnival of Insights
Authors: Sherri Stevens, Stefan Kuegler, Jorge Alagon, Efrain Ribeiro
Companies: KANTAR TNS Malaysia, Kantar
June 15, 2015