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Research papers

TV advertising pre-testing

This is a case history of an attempt to use established, non- innovative research techniques to construct a system of T. V. advertisement pre-testing which could provide actionable results. For marketing management the research results must relate...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1976: Research That Works For Today's Marketing Problems
Author: Roger S. Parkyn
September 1, 1976

Research papers

Images of press media

The following paper deals with: 1. Description of the phenomenon 'image'; 2. Hypothesis about its effectiveness; 3. Systematical review to the used research instruments in Germany in the last 15 years; 4. Discussion about the conclusiveness of the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1976: Beyond Vehicle Audiences
Author: Klaus P. Landgrebe
March 1, 1976

Research papers

Report back

This seminar revealed the gulf between the passionate non-verbalists who believe structured verbal response is inadequate to describe meaning (for them the Black Box, the Group Discussion, the indirect inference) and those who seem to believe that...

Catalogue: Seminar 1971: Translating Advanced Advertising Theories Into Research Reality
Author: Robin T. J. Tuck
June 15, 1971

Research papers

Marketing models for consumer durable products

Three detailed examples are given here for each of the subareas of product and price policy, distribution policy and advertising policy. In each case a tentative theory is postulated and evaluated in the light of the data available. Firstly, a...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1970: The Practical Application of Market Research
Author: G.J. Aeyelts Averink
Company: Philips International
September 1, 1970

Research papers

Television commercials

Since October 1 1968, Swiss Television Research has depended on telephone interviews. They reveal how many and which viewers see the individual broadcasts, as well as the four advertisement spots. In the foreseeable future penetration studies are...

Catalogue: The European Marketing Research Review 1970
Author: Ewald Schusinski
June 15, 1970

Research papers

Difficulties with recall

In this paper we are examining recall, and the value of using some popular methods that are applied with the purpose of gauging its presence or extent, in given situations. Sometimes an advertising campaign is said to be being successful - other...

Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1967
Authors: J. M. Lannon, Mark R. C. Lovell
August 1, 1967

Research papers

Patterns in the ways that advertising works

The paper has been developed as a generalisation of the conditions where certain methods, advice and cautions are in order on the choice and interpretation of research. Two main ideas are brought out: the importance of the product to a person and the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: The Market Research Looks At The Way That Advertising Works
Author: Charles W. Clunies-Ross
Company: Nestlé
June 15, 1967

Research papers

How advertising works

I am delighted to have this opportunity to share opinions with you in a discussion of how advertising works. It is a subject of much discussion and little agreement. A useful starting point in considering how advertising works is to reflect briefly...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: The Market Research Looks At The Way That Advertising Works
Author: Thornton C. Lockwood
June 15, 1967

Research papers

A method of evaluating advertising penetration

The title of this expose might possibly be misleading as it does not concern an entirely new method of measuring advertising penetration by some simple formula. It is concerned rather with a process of analysis, using as a basis information which in...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1964
Author: Claude Matricon
June 15, 1964