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Research papers

Cinderella and the pumpkin

This paper is about the main factors that determine a brand’s long-term value, factors that enable them not only to constantly extend their market share, but also to strengthen consumer loyalty and to generate price premiums, thus increasing...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1997: Learning From The Future
Authors: Jean-Paul Frappa, Dominique Saint-Paul
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 1, 1997

Research papers

Quality evaluation in social services

The search for quality has been gaining ground in the last decade, not only in industry but also in services, in public organisations as well as in private firms. The following paper explains how, in France, regional authorities have also felt an...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1993: The Many Faces of Quality Now And In Future
Authors: Dominique Saint-Paul, Jean-Pierre Dreyfus
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
September 1, 1993

Research papers

Age, social status and size of community= Three main variables in French holiday patterns

Following other European countries, France has now its own system monitoring the tourism behaviours of the french market. The paper will explain why and how we in SOFRES launched this French Travel Monitor in April 1990. Emphasis will be put on some...

Catalogue: Seminar 1991: Travel And Tourism Transition
Authors: Dominique Saint-Paul, François Brousseau
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 15, 1991

Research papers

A new tool for concept testing in services

Concept testing in the field of services is not yet fully developed. That is why SOFRES and the BUY © TEST network all over the world propose a new tool: the CHOICE © Test. CHOICE © is basically a quantitative method but brings also many...

Catalogue: Seminar 1987: Strategies For Service Management
Authors: Dominique Saint-Paul, Michéle Monin-Poucin
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
June 15, 1987