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Taylor and Blyth (2016a, February 10). Telephone and internet coverage around the world. ANA - ESOMAR. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from
B.V., E. (2013a, June 15). Summary of the article 29 working party opinion on the use of mobile apps . ANA - ESOMAR. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from
B.V., E. (2012a, June 15). ESOMAR guideline for conducting mobile market research . ANA - ESOMAR. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from
B.V., E. (2011a, June 15). ESOMAR guideline for conducting survey research via mobile phone . ANA - ESOMAR. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from
B.V., E. (2010a, June 15). Conducting survey research via mobile phone . ANA - ESOMAR. Retrieved October 15, 2024, from