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Research papers

Planting a seed for behavioral change

In this article, we want to illustrate the huge untapped power of insights in bringing about behavioural change for individual and social good, in other words, getting people to make healthier lifestyle choices, and the vital role of qualitative...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2010: Foresight on Moods and Thoughts
Authors: Takashi Takenoshita, Berangere Bragard, Vivek Banerji
Company: McKinsey & Company
November 18, 2010

Research papers

Making a difference with consumer insights

Commercial marketers use consumer insights, with varying degrees of effectiveness, to drive marketing strategy and actions. This presentation illustrates the power and pivotal role of consumer insights in developing not commercial strategies but...

Catalogue: Consumer Insights 2009: The Pragmatic Approach
Authors: Takashi Takenoshita, Angela Spatharou, Vivek Banerji
Company: McKinsey & Company
February 11, 2009

Research papers

Do we need pragmatic polymaths to boost the qualitative research industry?

The qualitative research environment is rapidly changing. With a focus on foresight and innovation, marketers are realizing the importance of qualitative research and demanding more creative and actionable insights. Further, a wider range of...

Catalogue: Qualitative 2008: Consumer Choice
Author: Vivek Banerji
Company: McKinsey & Company
November 20, 2008

Research papers

60 Years: Then and now

How Philips has evolved its market research practices over the last decades is explained in this presentation, using examples from the past to contrast with recent projects that illustrate some of the new ways of working which have contributed to...

Catalogue: Congress 2007: Excellence
Authors: Charmian Tardieu, Maarten Schellekens
Company: McKinsey & Company
September 19, 2007

Research papers

Harnessing consumer insight to drive innovation

Why is innovation such a struggle? The greatest challenges most organizations face when innovating lie within their own organization, people and working practices.Successful commercial organizations tend to focus on quantitative metrics, are...

Catalogue: Innovate 2006
Authors: Aunia Grogan, Vivek Banerji
Company: McKinsey & Company
May 10, 2006

Research papers

Made in Asia

Many experienced companies realize that Asia is not one market but rather consists of multiple markets. However, while companies focus on tailoring products and brands for local consumers, they are overlooking an important fact in understanding...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2006
Authors: Giana Eckhardt, Sunny Hahn, Myoungwha Choi
Company: McKinsey & Company
March 19, 2006

Research papers

Can continuous relationship marketing work in emerging markets?

This paper outlines the continuous relationship marketing (CRM) challenges - poor data quality, poor direct marketing skills, and organizational resistance - unique to emerging markets and recommends practical ways of overcoming them. It describes in...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2002
Authors: Mike Sherman, Sungmi Chung
Company: McKinsey & Company
December 1, 2002

Research papers

Can CRM work in emerging markets?

This paper outlines the continuous relationship marketing (CRM) challenges - poor data quality, poor direct marketing skills, and organizational resistance - unique to emerging markets and recommends practical ways of overcoming them. It describes in...

Catalogue: Latin America 2002
Authors: Mike Sherman, Sungmi Chung
Company: McKinsey & Company
May 12, 2002

Research papers

Can CRM work in emerging markets?

This paper outlines the continuous relationship marketing (CRM) challenges - poor data quality, poor direct marketing skills, and organizational resistance - unique to emerging markets and recommends practical ways of overcoming them. It describes in...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Customer Relationship Management Conference 2002
Authors: Sungmi Chung, Mike Sherman
Company: McKinsey & Company
March 17, 2002