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Research papers

Common market, uncommon cultures

This paper attempts to quantify some of the key differences and similarities between European countries through comparative empirical data, and to suggest some common threads. It compares first the different media environments and different...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Author: Steven Barnett
June 15, 1990

Research papers

Inter media comparison

As in many countries, audience measurement for outdoor advertising media in the Netherlands is a hot topic. The different strategies of outdoor contractors are a complicating factor, since some of them sell billboards one-by-one according to the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Author: Marion Appel
June 15, 1990

Research papers

Outdoor advertising

This paper describes the method with which r+m, in conjunction with Publex, carried out research into the measurement of billboard coverage. First we will discuss the assumptions that are the basis of this study - central to this being - the premise...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Authors: Frank de Munnik, Will J. A. Nelissen
June 15, 1990

Research papers

High tech single source panels for media research

'High-tech' Single Source, or electronic panels, are now a factor in both North America and Europe. Currently, however, these panels are restricted to monitoring certain behaviour - most typically television viewing and purchase of bar-coded...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Author: James P. King
June 15, 1990

Research papers

What do we want, and how do we get it?

This paper is concerned with how Young & Rubicam is tackling these 2 issues. It describes how we use the existing research to plan media, and what steps we are taking to augment it. These include working with the JICÏ system in the UK to try to...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Author: Jane Perry
June 15, 1990

Research papers

The question of quality

This paper looks at the current debate in the UK about the role of 'quality' in television broadcasting, starting from an examination of the ways in which the concept of quality has been used by politicians and critics. Data from qualitative and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Authors: Michael Svennevig, David E. Morrison
June 15, 1990

Research papers

Qualitative aspects of quantitative decisions

Going beyond "nose-counts", which was the predominant; mode of assigning numerical "values” to TV programmes until how, "values" serving as corner-stones of decisions with much wider repercussions, we rather have to search beyond numbers, for...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Author: Emmanuel Heretakis
June 15, 1990

Research papers

Reading probabilities

From 1989 the National Readership Survey in Denmark is conducted by using the FRY-method and the CATI-technique. The reading probabilities are a very essential part in the FRY-model. The paper describes how they are calculated and how they are...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Authors: Sigurd Bennike, Hanne Treu Olsen, Simon Ortmann
June 15, 1990

Research papers

Multi media effects: Synergy between television, tv magazine and newspaper ads?

In September 1989 a short but heavy multimedia campaign was started to increase the knowledge in the Netherlands of the new tax laws that will influence everybody's life as from the first of January 1990. A small brochure was inserted in all TV...

Catalogue: Seminar 1990: The Quality Of Media Information
Author: Leendert van Meerem
June 15, 1990