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Research papers

An exploratory model of mediterranean tourist flows

The extent of the tourist flows towards the Mediterranean seashore zones can depend a priori on a wide range of factors. We undertook a simple study involving only readily accessible' data so as to assess the existence or the absence of a structure...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Author: Georges Comès
November 23, 1967

Research papers

Copy research on holiday abroad

The paper deals with a large scale study on international travel. Although the results have not been tabulated yet, we did a preliminary analysis of the response to a question, addressed to a couple of hundred Britons who had been abroad on holiday...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Authors: Howard Biggs, M Collins
November 23, 1967

Research papers

A market segmentation on holidays abroad

During the past two decades an every year increasing part of the Dutch population went abroad on holiday. To indicate how this overall growth of the market for holidays abroad has developed, we show some figures from representative NIPO sample...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Authors: Ger C. Schild, Jacques Antoine
Company: NIPO
June 15, 1967

Research papers

Researching in the market for accommodation

The need for more accommodation does not, however, mean the creation of just any accommodation anywhere. It means the provision of sufficient accommodation of the right type in the right place. The extent and type of additional capacity required may...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Authors: Bryan E. Atkin, Jacques Antoine
June 15, 1967

Research papers

Research among travel agents

"Retailer" research among travel agents is much-practised but rarely published except in the form of promotional references. This paper takes the opportunity of quoting from two fully published enquiries (albeit old ones) to examine the field, since...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Author: A. D. Wilson
June 15, 1967

Research papers

The motivation and fears of flight

I am going to report to you on some of the central results of a multi-country psychological study on flight motivation and behaviour. Since it turned out that the phenomenon of fear plays one of the most important and, if I may say, also the most...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Author: Ferenc Schuch
June 15, 1967

Research papers

The development and use of a model of the decision making process

Travel research is surely one of the most complex forms of consumer research that faces any company. Identification of a "product class" , brands and types within such a segmented field is a formidable problem. We have been fortunate in having the...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Authors: Douglas J. Johnson, John L. Peate
June 15, 1967

Research papers

A multi-method study on a special type of tourism

The present paper deals with the main problems, experiences and results of a complex of surveys carried through at the Institute for Transport, Tourism and Regional Science at The School of Business Administration in Copenhagen, in cooperation with...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Author: Ejler Alkjaer
June 15, 1967

Research papers

The German tourism

The subject of this paper is a double one. The first intention is to try to find out what the Germans have done and are doing as far as travel and tourism is concerned and in the second part of this paper I want to develop some ideas of what might be...

Catalogue: Seminar 1967: Travel and Tourism
Author: Günter Lott
June 15, 1967