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Research papers

Crystallising the Digital First Moment of Truth of Unknown Targets

By using the online behavioural data (owned by VALUES) of approximately 2.5 million people across Japan to conduct statistical processing, it is possible to visualise the scale (in the number of users) of high-potential users who are unknown or have...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2023 - Innovation
Authors: Akiko Koyasu, Yoshiaki Saito
Company: Truth Consulting
November 22, 2023

Research papers

The power of bad

Do we really remember the times we felt good more evocatively than the moments where we struggled? It's a question that goes to the heart of research and insight. Are we more likely to act on bad news or good? And if it's the former, how can we frame...

Catalogue: Insights Festival 2020
Authors: Grant Feller, Leanne Tomasevic
Companies: GF-Media, Truth Consulting
September 15, 2020