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Research papers

Permission to launch

Together with Kantar, Zappi conducted a research study to determine the trends and creative traits that can help advertisers maximize efficiency. We tested 20 video ads across four categories using our consumer insights platform. This paper shares...

Catalogue: Congress 2018
Authors: Andy Gallagher, Babita Earle
Companies: ZappiStore, Kantar
September 23, 2018

Research papers

Adopting an entrepreneur

How Coca-Cola Japan partnered with a tech start-up to co-create an offering appropriate for their market. By addressing issues around time and efficiencies they achieved win-win outcomes. According to the Japanese Market Research Association, in 2013...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Hisae Endo, Makoto Moriguchi, Roxan Toll
Company: ZappiStore
August 24, 2017

Research papers

Coca-Cola's agile research adventure

This paper tells the story of Coca-Cola's partnership with ZappiStore and SSI and their successes and failures developing agile research solutions in Asia. It portrays the effort to realise the promise of agile research in the spirit of fail fast and...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2015: Asia Means Business
Authors: Ron Gailey, Stephen Phillips, Pete Cape
Companies: ZappiStore, Research Now SSI, The Coca-Cola Company
June 15, 2015