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Research World (March 2005)

Particularly in recent times, the market research industry has also focused more attention on the ‘teeth’ of self-regulation: control and compliance. ESOMAR has invested a considerable amount of energy in developing an approach on the...

Catalogue: Research World 2005
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
March 1, 2005

Research papers

Clearing the eMist

The paper focuses on issues associated with ethical behaviour and research on the internet. The authors note the reasons for increased interest in research on the internet and describe the link between ethical behaviour and research quality,...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2000: The Impact Of Networking
Authors: Ian Brace, John Pallister, Clive Nancarrow
September 23, 2001

Research papers

Redefining ethics in market research

This paper describes issues raised in a recent review of the Market Research Society of New Zealand's Code of Practice (based on the ESOMAR Code) with respect to its appropriateness for qualitative research. Qualitative researchers and social...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2000: Redefining Business In Asia Pacific
Author: Ann Holway
November 1, 2000

Research papers

Summary of the ESOMAR guideline on interviewing minors

A considerable amount of market research is carried out among minors (respondents aged under 18 years) for both commercial and sociological purposes. This is a legitimate and valuable form of research but, as the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Handbook Of Market And Opinion Research
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
September 1, 1998

Research papers

Quality and ethics in market research and social research

Quality in marketing and opinion research is difficult to define, as it means different things to different people. To some, it means carrying out research studies in accordance with current best practice, using methodologies which are ‘state of...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Handbook Of Market And Opinion Research
Author: Ivor Shalofsky
September 1, 1998

Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research (German)

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformity with the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the special characteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
March 2, 1997

Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformitywith the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code ofMarketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the specialcharacteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
February 1, 1996

Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research (Spanish)

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformity with the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the special characteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
February 1, 1996

Research reports

Pharmaceutical marketing research (French)

Pharmaceutical marketing research must always be conducted in full conformity with the principles laid down in the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice (1995). Because of the special characteristics and...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Codes And Guidelines
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
February 1, 1996