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Research World (December 2008)

Last month, the United States elected the first African American ever to the office of President. He was not elected because of his race, but because he ran a campaign that was so disciplined, broad and deep that it touched the culture, emotions and...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
December 1, 2008


Research World (November 2008)

The world around us seems to be in meltdown. While banks collapse and the credit markets freeze up. governments are scrambling to avert a replay of the 1930s. In the centre of the storm, middle classes around the world shiver and wonder what the...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
November 1, 2008


Research World (October 2008)

When we talk about market research, we often forget that research as a whole encompasses great swathes of work done for social and political purposes. Indeed, in the US alone, research expenditure by government, social think tanks and universities...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
October 1, 2008


Research World (September 2008)

In this changing environment, researchers, research clients and decision makers are confronted not only by a need to know, but also to understand, to challenge and to debate. It is with those needs in mind that we set about a fundamental review of...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
September 1, 2008


Research World (July/August 2008)

It would appear that the world is in the throes of another age of mass migration. Today, 190 million people live outside the country of their birth. Societies are becoming multicultural in a way that they have never been before. For marketers and...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
August 1, 2008


Research World (June 2008)

Although it has become a cliche to say so, the advent of online research has changed the face of our industry and will continue to do so for years to come. Indeed, I believe that we are only at the very beginning of the innovation cycle that online...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
June 1, 2008


Research World (May 2008)

To be a media planner today must be one of the most stressful jobs in the business world. Confronted with a tsunami of change in the ways in which people consume media - and indeed live their lives wrapped up in different and new media environments...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
May 1, 2008


Research World (April 2008)

Much of innovation has been occasioned by the impact of the internet on our business, as we seek to come to terms not only with the power ofthe web itself but the amazing societal and generational changes that it has created. As social networking has...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
April 1, 2008


Research World (March 2008)

One of the constants in the long and illustrious history of market research has been vigorous and impassioned debate about how (and if) advertising works and what this means for researchers trying to predict and measure impact and ROI (return on...

Catalogue: Research World 2008
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
March 1, 2008