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A Student's Journey through ESOMAR and Insights

An ESOMAR event co-hosted by Georgia and Romania Representatives addressed to the academic environment, to the young students who may have a desire to embrace the amazing researcher profession. ESOMAR brings to the targeted audience valuable...

Catalogue: Webinars 2021
Authors: Alina Serbanica, Nino Gogoladze, Corina Cimpoca, Cristina Osiescu, Kristine Lortkipanidze
Companies: ESOMAR, MKOR Consulting, NielsenIQ, Anova Limited
November 9, 2021


Revue Française du Marketing (Juin 2017)

La RFM est la plus ancienne revue française de marketing. Elle occupe une placeéminente au sein des publications scientifiques en sciences de gestion, tant par sonaccréditation par la FNEGE et l'AERES, que par l' originalité de son...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
June 1, 2017


Research World (September 2004)

It is high time that the industry joined forces in order to establish what the actual situation is at the universities and major business schools and to determine what can be done together, and which initiatives can be taken in the field of...

Catalogue: Research World 2004
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
September 1, 2004


Revue Française du Marketing 2000 (N. 177/178)

Ce numéro spécial de la Revue Française du Marketing se veutêtre une modeste contribution à la recherche et auxinterrogations des managers et des universitaires enmatière d'e-business et, plus précisément de marketing...

Catalogue: ADETEM: Revue Française du Marketing
Author: ADETEM
Company: ADETEM
February 1, 2000

Research papers

The usefulness of complex and pluricausal thinking in qualitative research

In the present paper, we will attempt to achieve such a synthesis: having first redefined our interface with the academic and economic environments respectively, we will then indicate a number of possible future directions some concepts worth...

Catalogue: Qualitative Research 1993: A Critical Review Of Methods And Applications
Authors: Françoise Leconte, Marc Carpentier
June 15, 1993

Research papers

Public service videotex in the 1980s

This paper outlines the nature of public service videotex. It describes both the medium and progress, and notes the reasons for lack of market progress. Changes in the marketing and management of the system have been introduced. These are discussed...

Catalogue: Seminar 1981: Publishing in the 1980's
Author: Barry J. Witcher
June 15, 1981

Research papers

Defence-inducing advertising

This paper discusses the research applied to the development of the Scottish Health Education Unit's publicity material, and outlines the two major problems incurred. The first is that, unlike much of product advertising, most health publicity is...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 1980: Taking Stock
Author: D. S. Leathar
September 1, 1980

Research papers

Numerical data banks

Only comparatively recently has informatics been accepted as a science in its own right and its content and boundaries are still unsettled. In effect, the definition of the term informatics is still being argued between experts both at national and...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Information Systems In Action
Author: Marcello Colantoni
June 15, 1980

Research papers

Children and marketing

The present paper covers only a limited part of this research, but a part which we think may be of interest. We begin with a summary of the public opinions on the topic 'children and marketing', as they were explicitly formulated on a conference in...

Catalogue: Seminar 1980: Children And Young People
Authors: Paul Kruger Andersen, Kurt Pedersen
June 15, 1980