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Research papers

The four moments of experience

Influence the return of investment through science driven packaging design.Problem: There are no clear guidelines to connect ideation and innovation, design, and evaluation when it comes to the development of product packaging.Solution: Develop a ...

Catalogue: Congress 2017: Visionary
Authors: Alejandro Salgado-Montejo, Carlos Velasco, Luis Ariza, Rodrigo Salgado, Ana Maria Moreno
September 5, 2017

Research papers


Sonification is a new way of engaging consumers with the sensorial perception of a cosmetic product through sound and music. Qualitative consumer studies were conducted in Japan and Korea, aiming to examine how sound and music could enhance the...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2017: Discoveries
Authors: Noriko Nakano, Eri Yamashita, Sono Hasuka, Jung Yeon Nam, Mariko Nomura, Damien Velleman
Company: L'Oréal
May 9, 2017

Research papers

Fell in love at first sight or started as a friend?

Can an ancient method be as powerful as the most advanced ones? Our answer is yes, at least about exploring customer experiences. The method we chose is oral storytelling. Our approach, "Recollection, Repetition, and Reflection," employing modified...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2016: The Business Value of Intelligent Stories
Authors: Tomoko Yoshida, Akiko Hoshi
November 16, 2016

Research papers

Behavioural economics gets real

So you've heard a lot of talk about behavioural economics, but ever wondered if anyone's really using it? Find out in this session how a $12 billion brand has put behavioural economics based research at the heart of its new strategic direction. A...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Leigh Caldwell, Lizzi Seear
September 22, 2016

Research papers

Clearing the path to action in superannuation

Australia's $2 trillion superannuation industry is fiercely competitive and recent legislation made it easier than ever for consumers to move between providers. Growing share of wallet by convincing existing customers to consolidate their entire...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Alison Poole, Stacie Haber
June 15, 2016

Research papers

Mobile technology

Technology has become a new ingredient for social survival. These devices are not cheap, but day-to-day life is easier when we have access to them, for all socio-economic levels. At an emotional level, it's very important for people to be able to buy...

Catalogue: Latin America 2016: Research Renovation
Authors: Armando Mora, Constanza Antelo, Maria Carolina Naranjo, Ana Carolina Sanchez
Company: Ipsos MRBI
April 13, 2016

Research papers

The Danone activation studio

More than ever, demonstrating impact is the name of the game for professional marketing services agencies. Together with Danone Benelux, we took on the challenge to crack the code of how we can trigger meaningful actions across the organisation, to...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2015: Creative! Collaborative! Cool!
Authors: Annemiek Temming, Tom De Ruyck
Company: InSites Consulting
November 18, 2015

Research papers

When joys of consumption have shades of grey?

Thew purpose of this paper is to dissect this intricate phenomenon and argue that grey emotions (twisted, ambiguous and double edged sentiments which people secretly and maliciously enjoy and and which are different from negative emotions) often act...

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2015: Creative! Collaborative! Cool!
Author: Sandeep Dutta
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
November 18, 2015

Research papers

Inspiring Action at O2

This paper will showcase how O2/Telefonica developed a research-based system for improving customer experience, moving from a “rear-view mirror” to a dynamic system which inspires action throughout the business and can even help predict...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Authors: Nick Milne, Nick Baker
Company: Quadrangle Research Group
September 10, 2014