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Research papers

Measuring pricing power of a global brand in an Asian market

The Emerging Markets house the bulk of human populace, with China and India alone accounting for about 30% of the world's population. As these markets have developed and per capita income has risen in many of these countries, they have become growth...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2015: Asia Means Business
Authors: Venu Gorti, Ruchira Jain, Don Sexton, Kamal Sen
June 15, 2015


The economics of revelation

The world has developed an insatiable hunger for sharing life's mini-milestones, for measuring interactions, for tweaking messages based on real-time feedback. We no longer want to hide our thoughts in diaries but cast them into a digital ether where...

Catalogue: Congress 2015: Revelations
Author: Susan Hayes Culleton
June 15, 2015

Research reports

Global Market Research 2014

Global Market Research 2014 is the 26th annual industry study undertaken by ESOMAR, in cooperation with BDO Accountants & Advisors. The report provides an authoritative review of the size and performance of the market research industry and...

Catalogue: Global Market Research
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
September 8, 2014


Inspiring insight to action

For the first time ever, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas and we have truly become a ‘City planet’. Cities are a place to discover, enjoy your passions, be curious, and create memories – whether you...

Catalogue: Congress 2014: What Inspires?
Author: Christina (Tina) M. Nathanson
June 15, 2014

Research reports

Global Prices Study 2014

The Global Prices Study 2014 is based on a set of dummy projects for which participating agencies prepare bids. The bids were submitted in response to a set of seven market research projects: six consumer research projects (four quantitative, one...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Global Prices Study
Author: ESOMAR B.V.
June 12, 2014


Beyond dollars and dirhams

Naata – The Bond"‘I don’t have a single American friend. I don’t understand them’ - Tamerlan Tsarnaev, suspect of the Boston Marathon Bombs on April 15, 2013. While these statements, along with his YouTube links splashed all...

Catalogue: Congress 2013: Think Big
Author: Nandita Mary Thomas
Company: Kadence International
June 15, 2013

Research reports

Celebrating change

For some, evolution, or “change,” represents a wonderful opportunity; for many others, it poses a grave challenge to the accepted norm; but for all of us, such change is now an undeniable and omnipresent element of daily life. As...

Catalogue: ESOMAR Publications
Authors: ESOMAR B.V., Finn Raben, Dieter Korczak, Bill Blyth, Judith Passingham, David G. Bakken, Pieter-Paul Verheggen, Wim van Slooten, Andy Kung, Grace Tse, Ian Lewis, Jorge Alagon, Nigel Hollis, Josh Samuel
November 28, 2012

Research papers

Insight into poverty

Crisis is a word increasingly repeated in every day discourse. This results in a growing number of people experiencing situations previously reserved for the low segment: a sense of uncertainty, of having limited influence on one's own fortunes, and...

Catalogue: CEE Research Forum 2012: Global Fuel For Local Boost!
Authors: Beata Gers, Katarzyna Gawlik
Company: KANTAR TNS Malaysia
March 26, 2012

Research papers

The emerging middle class in Russia

Middle class consumers have garnered a high degree of interest from researchers all over the world as they tend to be keen participants of massive global trends in consumption. In Russia, the middle class was elusive for many years under the...

Catalogue: CEE Research Forum 2012: Global Fuel For Local Boost!
Authors: Marina Simakova, Ioannis Kavounis
March 26, 2012